Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Bitcoin ORDINALS (NFTS) Are blowing up ! BIG TIME

Hello fellow /cc anons,

As the title says , the new NFTS on BTC's chain are inscribed with a glitch found where you simulate the "minting " of a NFT on its network. This caused a new wave of crazy FOMO between all community's , mainly twitter . The art is a copy paste /graffiti meme type of stuff just like all the nfts, moving on.

And you ask yourself , How do i go on about minting one of these ?

The process is a bit technical for some NFTS and more easy for others , and the 3rd way is just insane.

1st way (easy) 1) On desktop/laptop, install the alby wallet browser extension:

2) Create an alby wallet or link it to one of the many great lightning wallets out there

3) In Alby settings, generate (and save a backup!) of a Nostr key

5) In separate browser window, go to and connect your alby wallet. Nosft is where your "NFTS " will show up.

4) Load your alby wallet with some lightning sats (Bitcoin that's on lightning network) and now you're ready to Mint!

2nd Way to mint these is setting up a Bitcone node wich is a bit more complicated To get started with Bitcoin ordinals you need: 1. Install Bitcoin Core: 2. Install ord library: - You should really follow this guide

3rd way is to send someone random on Discord your precious BTC where previously been whitelisted , and trust them to send back (aparently some do ) while you can watch your TXN onchain knowing that's yours but cant hold it yourself if you dont have a node . I find this sketchy AF .

Ok that's the main idea how to get em, Now WHERE? This acts a bit like an Opensea for Minting and finding the discord of each comunity minting these .

While some of them ALLREADY blew up to 2-4 BTC (100k ) some of them are actually minting right now.

As an example , the project imitating Punks(eth ones) have their own list of bids and prices and what not , You can give it a look here

These people are OUT of their minds . how can you be offering so much BTC?

It goes like this , prepare with walet , charge it up on lighting network with btc /sats and seek wich one is minting now on discord /announcements in that specific comunity. if not try the bidding system on items you can allready see.

Ok ,This is SUPER EARLY . there will be more facility and a marketplace anytime soon . I've joined over 10 discords and they are all jam packed with people spamming offers . DONT FORGET


Aswell , let me say my opinion . its just spamm on my precious network and i think it will bring only bad news to BTC letting these pepememes on it. Thank you for reading my rant

Not Financial advice so look it up more for yourself

*editing grammar*

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