Sunday, April 28, 2024

2nd Thursdays Men's Group: Drop In. Connect. Practice.

TL;DR Men: if you want to feel a deeper sense of connection in life, consider coming to my monthly men's group. Next one is

9 May
Bodywise Somatic Healing Collective
NW 12th + Flanders
$50 suggested donation
If you want to attend, please RSVP by emailing me at sean (at) seantalbeaux (dot) com, or by joining on Meetup

Hi, I'm Sean. I've lived in Portland for twelve years, which might be just long enough to call it home, but at the time, I was a hippie transplant from the road, looking for mentorship, marketable skills, and internal freedom. This town has given me so much more than those: a sense of belonging, many profound psychedelic experiences, marriage, an opportunity to heal the ludicrous amount of trauma my little self experienced, and a solid foundation from which to become a father.

Why am I telling you this?

It's important to me to give back, to be in reciprocity. One of the most important things in my life for the past many years has been sitting in circle with fellow men that I trust (which is not necessarily to say 'agree with'), and practicing being real with each other. To talk about vulnerable things, to receive honest, considered reflection from others that doesn't feel like something they just need to hear, and to notice what in my life is my responsibility, and what's not. Also, to learn to speak from my personal, present moment experience rather than rely on stories and tropes I've picked up from others about how the world works and who I am in it.

I'm not here to evangelize. Men's work may not be for you, but I'm curious if you've ever wanted just a slightly deeper conversation with your buddies at the bar, or wish they would just ask you a meaningful question about your life. Maybe your girl is the only person who knows you deeply, or maybe you're wanting partnership but the same relationship issues come up with every person who you start seeing, and what's the point. Or maybe you're just lonely.

I think there are very few more important things that men can do with our time than to gather together to practice being human. And there's something special that happens when we gather with the intention to be real and authentic with each other. It's a place where we can put down our masks, shields, status, rank, and strategies for a while, and be seen and heard for who we are, beneath all that.

I invite you to gather with me 2nd Thursdays starting 9 May at 6pm at Bodywise on NW 12th + Flanders.

These will be facilitated events oriented toward deeper connection with self and other. An example of what that means is that I may invite you to slow down and pay attention to your breath, or places of tension in your body. We may also do physical practices like Qi Gong, or partner exercises to tap into curiosity, mutual physicality, and emotional vulnerability.

These kinds of experiences are not for everyone. Some men do not feel safe being vulnerable in a group of men. That makes a lot of sense. I have been there. I spent most of my life unwilling to trust men. At this point, I have been sitting in and leading men's groups for many years, and my relationship to groups of men has changed dramatically.

That's why I offer these containers: so that we can practice together, and pay attention to the stuff that comes up. No matter what it is, now matter how big it feels or how small it makes you feel, it is welcome. You are welcome here.

This is not therapy or mental health counseling. This is more about deep inquiry into the present moment, which is the moment in between all the other moments that most of us tend to focus on.

The healing potential of psychedelics usually finds its way into the conversation. I'm all about that conversation, however, there will be no medicines available at these events.

Men who come to these events tend to build friendships with fellow participants. Sometimes, their relationships begin to change for the better, or new ones begin. Some men feel more connected to their life purpose. Fathers have reported being more present with their kids, and actually enjoying time with family instead of thinking about work, social media, gaming, porn, or bitcoin.

For others, the path is longer. When we bring attention to things that have been hiding in the shadows for a long time, those things may want to be heard. It can be scary at first, and following those threads can be the path to freedom. I've been there too, and I got you.

This is brave work. When you really engage with it, whether in this container or elsewhere, your life will begin to change. You may notice that you feel more agency, more choice, more fulfillment in the day to day. You may eventually notice less fidgeting, fewer addictive tendencies, or that you feel kinder to yourself, and perhaps others.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for being a part of this town.

If you want to attend, please RSVP by emailing me at sean (at) seantalbeaux (dot) com, or by joining on Meetup

Please show up sober and on time. We will begin at 6pm.

9 May
Bodywise Somatic Healing Collective
NW 12th + Flanders

I am available for questions here, however, my work is off-screen and I have a toddler, so I may be slow to reply. Feel free to email questions as well.

Thank you.

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