Wednesday, October 17, 2018

When you give, you never know what good can come from that.

Today I met a guy who needed fuel and I helped him out. Normally I wouldn't say anything but this guy was special. He is part of a group called The People's Project who went to Standing Rock Indian Tribe in North and South Dakota. He witnessed that standoff situation recently in the media regarding the Native Americans protests against the pipeline and US Government incident. He was emotional about what he witnessed happen to those Indian tribes and the turn of events in the end. Well he didn't know much about Bitcoin so I was telling him how Bitcoin and Blockchain runs hand in hand with what his project is doing. Bitcoin can help by being the currency which facilitates sending and receiving donations, and blockchain companies like Propy can help facilitate the legalities they face with regard to proving they own that land. Bitcoin can free people in so many different sectors. These projects like The People's Project.

have little choice but to live meagerly because of funds, but they have big hearts, they're very smart and have been helping to promote equal rights for native Americans for the past 5 years even though they barely can eat sometimes. If they use Bitcoin as currency I can see this being a way to fund more of what they're aiming for and if they can get property deeds of the Native Americans onto the Blockchain it will prove the ownership of that land and no one will ever be able to take it from them in the future, unless they do so by just and legal ways.

In the end I told him how to get Bitcoin and where to learn more about it. I video tape some of our discussion it's like almost half hour long. Once I edit it and all I'll share it. It had me shaking. He really seen a lot and kicked off another fire in me to help out these people as well. All people, no matter who they are deserves equality, justice and fair treatment no matter who they are, nation religion, race or creed. But, when we see someone treated unfairly, we could step in and help. Maybe something big will come back your way just for helping.

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