Monday, November 5, 2018

0xBitcoin General - Weeks 45 and 46, 2018

A lot has happened in the past few weeks, and this time I actually paid enough attention to it and wrote it down as well.

Some general stats (and changes since last time):

Mining difficulty: 818,109,875 (0.00%) (next: ~800,107,457 ) (-2.6%)​

Estimated hashrate: 2.61 Th/s (-37.41%)

Current average reward time: 21.88 minutes (+59.35%)

Tokens minted: 3,327,300 0xBTC (+1.41%)

Token holders: 4556 holders (+1.37%)

Total contract operations: 188399 txs (+0.27%)


Tokens required to be a top holder (and changes since last time):

Top 10: 36197.32435793 0xBTC (0.00%)

Top 25: 23614.66689656 0xBTC (+4.04%)

Top 50: 14174 0xBTC (0.00%)

Top 100: 7159.1234115 0xBTC (+4.35%)

Top 200: 2994.7652797 0xBTC (+1.49%)

Top 300: 1550 0xBTC (+0.45%)

Top 500: 650.02267112 0xBTC (+7.08%)​

Top 1000: 165.9 0xBTC (+4.86%)


Recent events:

  1. The largest happening of the past two weeks is without a doubt Infernal_toast coming public in an interview he gave to Ethex. Not irrelevant is the date on which he did so - the 10th anniversary of the publication of the Bitcoin whitepaper. In addition to the holy image of our Royal Toastiness, there's also some interesting crypto stuff in the video.
  2. Infernal_toast started a series called "Tokens with Toast", where he looks at the contracts of various ERC20 tokens and comments on them. The second video in the series looks at the contract of Oyster (PRL), which recently screwed over everyone that invested in it. The deployer had not locked himself out of the contract, so he could re-open the ICO and buy freshly-minted PRL tokens at ICO prices, which he promptly proceeded to dump on everyone. Highly educational stuff, recommended watching for everyone.
  3. Infernal_toast is the gift that keeps on giving, and in addition to the previous two things, he has also created a video preview of the LavaWallet. In case you're not in the know, then LavaWallet will allow people to transfer ERC20 tokens without having to hold ETH and by paying for the tx with ERC20 tokens instead, greatly simplifying transfers on the Ethereum network.
  4. The FPGA miners have switched their rigs to finer pastures and 0xBTC's hashrate has gone down considerably. 0x1d00ffff's website tracks the hashrate average between adjustments and since we're currently lining up for an adjustment, then the data displayed above is still somewhat skewed by the work that the FPGA's submitted a few hundred blocks ago. The charts he provides on his site are far more accurate if you're more interested in the current situation ( The actual hashrate is more in the region of 400Gh/s and the blocktime is upwards of 100 minutes. As such, new supply is rapidly drying up and we're probably up for a grind towards a new adjustment just like during the summer.
  5. An idea was formed in the discord to do some paid marketing in the form of an advertorial on CCN. The 9 ETH required were raised in only a few days, with half of the amount donated by a generous whale - shout out to that homie. A community member going by Moonboy3000 (mirin' the name), who's a professional writer, volunteered to write the article and it'll hopefully be published early next week. The plan is to coincide the release of the article with press releases to various other news outlets as well as a refreshed version of the 0xBitcoin homepage that GeoffedUP has been working on. You can browse through the discord for the article and see the work-in-progress on the website at
  6. Mr F wrote a letter to a journalist who's been writing articles about wBTC and the future of ETH-miners after Casper. Given his choice of topics, he should be interested in 0xBitcoin, so we might get some free exposure. No guarantees though, we'll just have to wait and see.
  7. Nic has been running 0xBitcoin ads on Youtube. Specifically, he's been running the "History of Cryptocurrency" video that toast made ( What's remarkable is that the video is over 10 minutes in length and over 20% of the people that had it displayed to them watched it to the end. That's probably on account of the fine targeting nic has done on the ads.
  8. 0xBitchain, which is the brainchild of lodge, has been moving forward in its development. I'mma be real honest with you though and admit that this whole sidechain thing is a bit above my head, so you'll just have to look for yourself.
  9. There's a voice chat in the discord now every Friday at 5 PM EST. It's jolly good fun having some banter with the lads, plus it's nice to be able to put a voice to the text.
  10. The discord has been very lively in general recently. It's by far the most active part of 0xBitcoin at the moment, so if you're interested in the project then hop on by.

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