Thursday, November 29, 2018

A Word About Monero + Tari

tldr; Building a non-fungible asset on top of a funglible currency solves lots of the problems other cryptocurrencies have tried to solve. The solution to these problems stands to benefit a diverse and worthy bunch.

As someone that has been into cryptocurrency almost as long as it has existed; Monero is revolutionary, and Tari should be revolutionary. Tari adds an important layer to the currency that is what other cryptos only claim to be.

As someone that has promoted, participated in, and purchased tickets for events; the team and purpose behind the Tari project serve the needs of lots of people.

Tari has a core team member that is very experienced in the sales of event tickets. Tari also has an experienced cryptocurrency developer/leader. There is a tremendous amount of potential in the proper application of the concept.

The fact that there was no ICO tells us that there are people with loads of money that believe enough in the project to take on the risk. That alone inspires confidence.

The fact that the project is building a non-fungible asset on top of a fungible currency is very intriguing. I see lots of upside for artists, secondary market participants, and event goers. It's hard to make a living as an artist, middleman, or get what you paid for as a patron.

Tari solves alot of problems.

While monero is everything bitcoin said it was at its inception, Tari should be the most important part of what ether was supposed to be. Monero is what bitcoin said it was. Tari should be what "colored coins" or bitcoin based assets were to bitcoin.

Unlike the colored coins derived from burned bitcoin; Tari should be usable.

Contracts are subjective based upon the parties and interpreter/oracle/mediator/code of the contract. Tickets and other hard assets are tangible goods and services.

Think about it.

I like tying the artists to the event with non-fungible compensation so they are accountable for funds received and services provided. Just as accountable as the promoters and financiers of any event. So much upside.

As a promoter I can guarantee my artists a certain amount for a sellout or any percentage of a sellout along with the possibility of residual income from secondary market sales. I can verify proof of funds so the performer doesn't have to worry about getting paid. I can refund any failures to deliver if it's done right.

As a ticket buyer I don't have to worry about supply, forgery, paying too much, or reselling my ticket if I'm unable to attend the event. I can choose to take loss or gain with full understanding that part of that sale will return to the artists or issuer of the ticket.

Tari, done right, is a sellable product wrapped inside a cryptocurrency that should be invisible to end users. Think a Venmo type wallet that is funded from a monero wallet to make tari token purchase.

Fungible > Non-Fungible Asset > Reality > Revolutionary.

The Wholesale > Middleman > Retail chain has many applications within the Tari + Monero concept. Think supply chain and inventory control. Real world applications beyond ticketing or traveling back in time to attend a Prince concert.

How anyone doesn't see Monero and Tari as the future is beyond me. Probably the least hyped projects in the crypto community. Not doing an ICO to fleece the public is probably the reason Tari is not talked about more.

I'm taking a flyer on this one, but Tari is an application of Monero that nobody has considered until now. No ICO! Who do these guys think they are? Lot's of upside.

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