Friday, November 2, 2018

Claustrophobic anti-gravity, the Dream AI, and the taxi driver that can get away with everything

Ok so this is one of the more vivid dreams, I started eating more healthy again so that may have something to do with it. Hope you enjoy a good story!

This dream started with me just finished packing a bunch of stuff in a hotel. I don’t know the hotel, but the style of this hotel has appeared multiple times in my dreams from the past month. The walls were of a very bright-yellow color, with a gold border with a pattern carved in between the walls and the ceiling. The halls are very well lit by an round led-lamp around every 2 meters.

I was in my room and my mother was there, and said: “ok you got everything now, taxi is here, you go do your thing!”. I think I had to go to some kind of business trip or event.

My luggage consisted of 2 or 3 bags with unknown luggage to me. As the taxi arrived, he walked into our room to take some bags with him to the taxi. He was an Indian-looking guy, thin with a white blouse and big shoes. He had a mustache and black hair.

The taxi was a large, dark purple Mercedes-Benz ( The interior was very bright-brown.

We drove quite a while, and this was so weird, as the whole route was visible. We didn’t just ‘teleport’ somewhere, we actually drove for around 15 minutes. I never had that in a dream before and I love to take a ride (especially when I can just look around without driving myself) so this was really cool.

Our stop was some kind of white beach house that was at the end of the coast. The beach was white, the house was mostly a white wooden frame had a staircase that rotated 90 degrees after every 5 steps or so 3 times to enter the house.

As I unpacked I realized I forgot something, but I don’t know what it is. I said to the taxi driver: “Shit I forgot something! Can we go back real quick?”

He said: “Yes we can, but you have to pay the fare 3 times then!”. “Why 3 times?”, I said in surprise. “Well, we went here, and now have to go back, and then come back here, so that’s 3 times back and forth you know”. “Oh yeah that sounds reasonable, stupid of me that I didn’t think of that”, I said.

He then wanted me to pay the first fare already, but now I found out that what I was forgotten was my wallet, as I was unable to pay him at this point. I said: “when we get back I’ll give you the money for the 3 rides”. He said: “Ok that’s cool”.

As I started to grab my stuff again, he took one of my backpacks and opened it, and grabbed a Ledger Nano S (for those that don’t know what that is, it’s a hardware wallet to securely store cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin on it). I looked at him with questioning eyes as I bowed down to grab another bag.

“Just a little assurance”, he said with a smile. Apparently, he wanted it as collateral in case I didn’t pay. The stupid thing was, that even in the dream, I knew that thing is useless without the pin number and will likely self-destruct any value on it before he can do anything with it. I can just buy another one and recover any values on it.

So I said with a tone of sarcasm: “Oh yeah sure that will hurt if I lose that!”. He totally believed it and off we went! Again, the road was clear, we drove past palm trees, tunnels, bridges, everything was visible and it was beautiful. While driving I was calculating in my mind what I had to pay the driver, and also found out that I am in the back seat, even though we were the only 2 in the car.

Suddenly, this driver decided it’s a good idea to nearly flatten his seat, and the back of his seat goes against my legs, and I was like wtf, but apparently, I was OK with it. Then he pulled out his shoes and socks, and again I was OK with it (for some reason).

We arrived at the hotel. “I’ll be right back”, I said and walked in. I went to the elevator, which is the only thing that’s been different every time I’ve been to this hotel in dreams. I stood in the elevator, which was the same as the rest of the hallway, with the exception of a panel with buttons on it. I pressed a button which supposed to be the floor with my room on it.

And suddenly I felt that I had no weight anymore. Gravity was gone! It felt so real, as in, the closest to anti-gravity I’ve ever felt. I could move my arms without any resistance from air or gravity. At the same time, I started wondering: “I’m supposed to move up, if anything, I should feel more gravity!”. I’m surprised this didn’t trigger a lucid dream, usually questioning dream logic is where it starts for me.

Suddenly everything went dark. I couldn’t see a thing. The only thing that was lit was a button with a red bell on it (the emergency button). I suddenly felt the room (which was pitch black) closing in on me. I didn’t see it, but it felt as if I was in a tighter space.

“No problem”, I thought. “We just need to press the emergency button!”. I pressed it and a low-quality beep could be heard. The speakers crackled a bit, but then I was greeted with just silence. I tried again, same beep, same crackling noise, same silence.

I suddenly saw the door of the elevator open really quickly and then close quickly again. I just looked at it and saw that I was on a floor, and not between 2 floors. I decided to make a run for it as soon as it opened. As I stood in the hall, I was very scared of the events before. I saw a maid walking down the hallway. “Oh shit, the AI did it again?”. Stunned, I said: “What AI?! And whatever it is, yes, it’s broken, someone needs to look into it.”. “Yeah, this is the third time it happened already, an old man in this building got traumatized by it. You can take the stairs next time if you like.”, she muttered while pointing at the end of the hall and where a staircase was revealed.

She then opened a door and walked into a room. I walked with her, and there was the old man she spoke so highly of, he was standing in front of a wooden desk with 2 drawers and 2 bigger closets beneath. A square, flat box with a lock on it was put on top of it. He said with a strange accent: “Ah don’ trust those’ damn elevators an’more” as he opened the box with a lock. In it, was an orange parachute which he supposedly used to just jump down the building and land safely on the floor. I said: “You can just take the stairs you know?”. He said: “Nah, too far fah me, this is the only safe way”.

At this point, I started waking up way too early (around 06:00). I slept late, I was surprised by waking up so early.

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