Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Waiting on that third miracle...

One night about three years ago, I was deep in meditation (and, full disclosure, in an altered state) when I experienced the most pleasant sensation. There manifested, behind and above my pineal gland, an intense vibration. It hovered for a moment, and the dripped into the back of my throat. It was sweet and intense and produced a vivid euphoria. And as soon as it had begun, it was over.

I had previously read about this phenomenon, as taught to me by my guru. It is called the nectar of Bindu, which is supposed to be generated through intense spiritual practice (I guess I kind of cheated! 😅) I don't remember what it was supposed to accomplish.

But I'll tell you what happened to me. I experienced two little miracles.

By miracles, I mean, two completely absurd synchronicities manifested in my life that cannot be explained.

For some context, my lucky number is 33. It has been my lucky number since before I was aware of it. It's always been following me, since my childhood home address to my current postal code (literally just 2 numbers, 33), and thousands of places in between, most notably on the clock the moment I "woke up".

The first "miracle" came in the form of what I presume was an error on a Bitcoin website that ended with me going from 0 to .33 Bitcoin. No explanation. Just, poof, hello, here ya go! What are the chances of that? (i spent it on cocaine, I bet my spirit guides were pretty pissed!)

I thought at the time that maybe this Bindu nectar was affecting my reality by lifting the veils between physical and mental and spirit, an exciting prospect. In hindsight, I think this was probably exactly the case, because it happened again soon thereafter.

The second miracle was also an electronic glitch. I opened my phone one morning about a week later, and the Spotify app was on (I had not used it in many days), open to a song I had never heard of, Peng!33 by Iron and Wine. I had never listened to Iron and Wine on Spotify before that moment (since that moment, he has become one of my favorites). There was no possible explanation as to how it could have gone to that album and rested on that particular song. Again, something impossible had manifested, with my synchronicity number front and center.

These two events served to solidify my already strong faith in Spirit, and for that I am tremendously grateful.

But in hindsight, I think I was a little greedy, because instead of dropping into prayer with gratitude or meditation with reflection I started looking for a third miracle.

I was always told that miracles come in threes. I still believe it. I was disappointed in the past that it never manifested but over time I became grateful. I wasn't ready. Anything would have been anticlimactic. I probably didn't have the good karma either.

But I still believe it's on its way. The longer it's been delayed, the bigger it will be. Maybe it will even be something verifiable that I can make a neat little post about it for this sub.

Whatever happens, I find security in the knowledge that reality is perfect and I will experience exactly what I need to experience in each and every moment. And grattitude.

Love vibes to all

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