Thursday, December 20, 2018

Compulse write; strange tangents

I gotta write something, cause I feel a strangeness in the coincidence. Everyone's forecasting an end-of-the-world event, over and over again. Revelations, awakening , alien sightings and gods eye opening. Some think it's already ended and this is a simulation designed to prolong it.

The military's 10 years behind what they show public eyes, how many deaths do they manage to hide, inflicted by AI minds? targeted ultrasonic energy weapons. Widespread mind control.

thats one of the fnords

We think of the apocalyze as the ending when it's only a new beginning. What happens will happen and all you can do is learn to overcome it, band together and survive it, strive to find a way to thrive in it.

Looks like paris has a fight in this, growing witness to the plight of the rest of us compared to the richest of us. If you don't have a voice no one's going to see you.

Entropy bucks await, bitcoin 2.0. Final goal of a global UBI, erasing need for banks all together. So said; the same patterns repeat. We need to constantly be fighting else we lose land. I can hope neural link will bridge these gaps as well. true understanding is vital, and we can't get that with text-to-text.

We don't have it half bad, though i know social security is lack - until a meteor comes back, or the next romaine lettuce outbreak occurs...

Well, I'm going to blindly and faithfully believe that we reach utopia, instead of the dystopia that is possible. I'm going to imbue myself with the thought, that I am The One who will make it happen. I will create, imparting a wave into the ocean, a future better for humanity. I will connect, and help those understand who don't. I want to wake people up to the reality at hand, and show them it's all a scam to control manipulate conquer and devour humanity. It's so much more, and i understand why we're told these lies, that they keep us safe, keep things ordered.

I know it could be so much more. I don't want to be greedy, I just don't want to get wacked. I hope the system doesn't stack things against me, and I hope to pay it back.

But if it's the end of the world anyways, eternally it seems, why aren't we in a rush to do something with our time left?

Wake up

wake up

you're already where you should be. Now communicate with your fellow humanity, and fix this tragedy you've weaved. The future is dependent on the thoughts of now, and the actions of tomorrow.

If I can write the magic sigil, with these lyrical squiggles, that'll coerce you to live life a little fuller; would you consent or detest changing for the best? If the government is using mind control, why can't the rest of us? Those of us awake to concepts we can' find ways to mask. Same principles, but with positive intent. It's already happening, and more and more I see people realizing profound truths. They gain more and more acceptance every iteration.

Closer and closer.

We have no idea how far it is. But there's a point where it becomes exponentially explosive; once more.

I'm just a persistent messenger. I see the memes I made repeat. Freaky to think, in this day and age I could influence such a wide range of people by people adapting/adopting/rejecting these thoughts I put out, when in all regards they don't... mean much.

My thoughts are becoming 3rd person. At times, it's strange I'm not going to lie. I can hear people yelling "he's dead'. i can think it, i mean. "Look at what you've done" he yells. How do you fix trauma? Daisy once asked the shrug society. I guess that's something that the vast majority share in commonality.

This alien inside of me "is he listening to us?" I hear. I think I hear. I don't take it seriously but I play along for the fun of it. Maybe I can make a story out of it.

I don't want to have an illness, the life I was given was as fair as any, i don't need the pity. I'll take a hug of mutual sympathy, and make the best of the cards dealt to me. I love my weed, I just wish I could make it rain. I hate money but I love having cash, it's such a drag to lack I feel like trash. No one wants me, I share that apathy. I'm an empath and I can feel your energy, I can tell the future but when I do I change it.

Truth is I have a cheshire smile and a brain full of thc, laugh at my misdeeds and looking forward with the goal to be better than before, forever more.


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