Saturday, January 12, 2019

Day 12

January 12th, 2019

Day 12

Life in general seems to be going better. I don't know exactly what is causing these changes. NoFap is definitely part of it, along with changes in diet and exercise and going to church. Socially Ive been just way more comfortable in places I am usually not. Also, women that Ive known for months have been more touchy and interactive/social with me. Again, Ive made a decent amount of changes to my life, so its difficult to pinpoint what is the cause. It could also partly be the mindset in my head that Im going to make changes and Im actually following through. It also could just be a lucky streak of events, so we'll see if it continues. However, these benefits definitely add a motivating factor for when Ill eventually be faced with a massive urge somewhere down the line


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