Thursday, January 3, 2019

How Cryptocurrency Works: The Essential Guide

Cryptocurrency and blockchain get a lot of press in the financial and other media. Most people don't understand what cryptocurrency is or how they work. Many view them as a speculative investment. Others say they are becoming a legitimate asset class in which to diversify investments.

Many have been burned by investing in cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin, in particular, has received most of the press. Others have made a killing.

So what's the answer? Is it a legitimate investment? Is it speculative? Do cryptocurrencies have a place in your portfolio?

Ultimately, that's up to each individual to decide. Alexander of the website DaytradingZ offers a detailed look at how cryptocurrency works, including the risks, uses, and rewards.

I personally have never recommended them to anyone I work with. However, I think it's important to at least offer a reasonable analysis to give anyone interested a better understanding. I think he does this in this post.

I'd love to hear what everyone thinks.

How Cryptocurrency Works: The Essential Guide

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