Monday, January 14, 2019

r/Dashpay Barquisimeto-Venezuela. Ask Me Anything!

Hello everyone,

I am a venezuelan, I have been interested in cryptocurrencies since some years ago. Yesterday someone asked me to do an AMA in r/dashpay after I made a comment about the situation in Venezuela in r/worldnews which gained some popularity. I explained very shortly the situation with cryptocurrencies in Venezuela and the method of payment in the comment I posted in r/worldnews

I learn about Dash two years ago after reading an article on internet about the Dash, and since then I have been able to see how popular it has become here in Venezuela where many convention have taken place and more recently one in Barquisimeto in the month of october. Sadly, I couldn't go to the convention.

In Venezuela cryptocurrencies are fairly popular. They are treated as any other currency here and there have been people who have been using cryptocurrencies for its intended purpose while others use them to try to save wealth by buying cryptocurrencies with bolivars amid a shortage of foreign currencies like U.S dollars, euros, colombian pesos and brazilian reals. The market of cryptocurrencies has been growing a lot and the popularity of cryptocurrencies has only skyrocket. Facebook groups with hundreds of thousands of subscribers get articles of cryptocurrencies submitted everyday. People talk about cryptocurrencies and they have adopt it as a way to generate revenue throught airdrops some platform of cryptocurrencies do.

This is the proof someone asked for. I live in Barquisimeto and one iconic place here is the Catedral Metropolitana de Barquisimeto. I went over there to take these pictures.

Today there was the procession of La divina pastora, and millions of people attend to the event. I was able to take photos of the multitude

There is an article about it, it's in spanish.

As promised, Ask me anything

Reddit account was suspended for 3 days for sharing personal information in the r/worldnews thread. I'm so sorry guys. I really wanted to do this AMA, but I will try to answer as many question as possible by editing this post.

/u/ISkiAtAlta In that case, I’d like to propose a job for you: Be a “secret shopper” for Dash.

I'm interested. I would like to know more and I will be in contact with you via PM as soon as the suspenssion is over.

Please list in order, the top five of ALL currencies would most Venezuelan retailers want to accept.

I would say that Bitcoin, Dash, NANO, Ethereum, and Monero are the most ideal for us, but Dash and NANO would be to do transactions to buy goods while Bitcoin and Monero would be used to store wealth. And Ethereum is very useful for the service its platform provides to make contracts.

What is the main reason Venezuelans would want to hold cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies are the best way to circumvent government restrictions that were implemented against citizens since some years ago. The fact that we can buy cryptocurrencies through exchanges with bolivars has somehow helped to maintain alive the economy a little. Without cryptocurrencies Venezuela's economy would be now way worse than it's now. We use them right now to store wealth, instead of holding bolivars, the best way to preserve our money. And also because they are a extremely useful technology we know will increase its value in the future.


People talk about cryptocurrencies

What is the talk mainly about? (price speculation? or wealth preservation? or a means of payment at merchants?)

In my workplace there are several young men like me, and whenever we talk about cryptocurrencies -which is a very recurrent topic- we like to talk about the price speculation and the projects we would like to be implemented in here. Many of us dream about exporting goods in exchange of cryptocurrencies knowing it will boost the economy so much many people will benefit from it. We also talk about starting our own businesses and start accepting cryptocurrencies.

Have you purchased something with a cryptocurrency? (YES or NO)

Not yet because I have never had any for myself. I knew people who had some bitcoin cash but they never used it to pay for something, however, people in Venezuela has been able to sell cars, motorcycles and even houses in exchange of ethereum and bitcoin.

(aside from tips) How would you acquire cryptocurrencies. Does a website come to mind?

I would like to get paid in cryptocurrencies for sure, either by starting my entreprise producing and exporting decorative pieces which is what I do as a job in the workshop. Or get my salary paid in cryptocurrencies at least. I would be better than receiving bolivars.

Whether it's buying in exchange of bolivars, I would say that and are the websites I would go to buy Bitcoin or ethereum.

1) What cryptocurrencies do you suspect are the most popular in Venezuela?

Bitcoin because the government has been talking about it a lot. But Dash has the largest community in Venezuela for what I know.

Do you think it’s possible for cryptocurrencies like Dash to really become a payment of choice in a few years assuming government is still there?

Dash is already said to be used as method of payment in different stores. I don't go out so much because I have to take care of my sisters here in my houses, but so far I have not seen one store accepting Dash but probably I have not look out there enough. I think it's a matter of time until most stores and people start adopting cryptocurrencies to do businesses and transactions. I doesn't matter if the current government stay or a new one is formed, the damaged is already caused, and venezuelans will not trust the next currency. Cryptocurrencies like Dash, in the other hand, are more promising and in a few years, it's probable Dash will be use widespread to do transactions.

How do you spend your money considering the situation in Venezuela?

I spend all of my income buying cornmeal. Before the crisis, I didn't had a job because I was studying highschool. Today was able to buy a lot of meat thanks to the help and money people from Reddit and r/dashpay sent me. I was able to buy 10 kilos of meat, something I have wanted to do since years but I have not been able due to my income. In total I spent $15 buying meat, cheese and eggs, and sauces. This is the receipt they gave me in Garzón, a retail store in Barquisimeto The cheese and the eggs were bought somewhere else and they don't give receipts.

If Venezuela were not going through this crisis, I would use part of my money to invest in cryptocurrencies.

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