Here is a very crude guide on what to do as a buyer on a DNM. This is by no means comprehensive, however; it is a supplemental guideline to follow in conjunction with a proper guide (i.e. DNM buyer bible)
Buy bitcoin from anywhere. Seriously, it does not matter where your source bitcoin is from. If you are buying personal amounts, nobody is going to catch you by analyzing the blockchain, your 3 LSD tabs are not worth the tax dollars it would take for a full on investigation. As long as you follow this minimum path: Bitcoin source i.e. Coinbase--> Intermediary wallet (Tails)--> DNM
NO VPN. VPNs are not an added layer of security, in fact, they decrease your opsec. I've seen a lot of posts lately condoning the usage of VPNs. Do not follow this advice. Instead, you should be using tails, as this Live OS runs off a flash drive and all internet traffic is routed through tor. It contains all the tools needed for DNM activity.
Always save a legitimate link to a DNM when you find one, and never use another one online. This minimizes phishing by counterfeit links. Also, specifically for dream, always use 2 factor authentication with pgp. This makes it difficult for scammers to access your account even if you're phished.
NEVER FE. When you FE, you are taking an unnecessarily large risk of being scammed. Escrow is one of the only things preventing you from being scammed by a vendor. It does not matter that the vendor claims he will throw in extra or take off shipping. Is the ~10 dollars you MIGHT save worth risking losing all of your money?
Do not use the same username/passwords for DNM accounts that you use on any clearnet accounts. Also do not log into any of your clearnet accounts on tails/tor. This will make you identifiable very easily.
Use your home address, don't use drops. Drops look supsicious. You order mail to your residence all the time, if you start having mail delivered to a different address, USPS might very well notice that this is out of the ordinary. The only exception to this is if you still live with parents/someone who does not want to be involved with DNM activity. This is a dick move and putting them through potential raids/civil forfeiture is very selfish. If this is the case--at least get a P.O. box. This is also good to mention: Do not use a fake name when placing orders. This is also something that might very well look odd to USPS/your mailman. Remember, you are trying to blend in, and not raise any eyebrows.
This seems pretty obvious but I'll mention it anyway: DO NOT TALK ABOUT YOUR DNM ACTIVITY IRL. Loose lips sink ships, seriously.
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