Thursday, January 24, 2019

Stuck "pending_open_balance" - is there anything I can do?

Hi Everyone,

I've had a pi LN node up and running for about a week, no problems (Stadicus guide).

I decided to get a little adventurous with it, so I installed LndHub as I'd been playing around with BlueWallet and wanted to try to connect to my node. I got the LndHub service all up and running but somehow I couldn't connect to the node so ended up giving up on it.

Then I figured I'd try setting up a BTCPay Server and after a bit of fiddling managed to get both the services up and running together but couldn't connect to it from my pc and running "stretch lite" headless so couldn't test with a localhost web session.

At this point I noticed my telnet sessions were getting reeeaal sluggish. I guess adding dotnet, NBXplorer and btcpayserver on top of bitcoin and LND was just too much for the little pi3.

Fortunately I had taken an image of my node os a few days before, so figured I'd roll back to just bitcoin + LND.

The idea was that I would close all channels, then once everything had settled - reflash my drive and hope that the old channel states would be ignored...

So running **lncli closeallchannels** - saw confirmation that everyone agreed to close amicably. Cool beans.

Or so I thought.

*Before closing all channels:*

{ "total_balance": "2747347", "confirmed_balance": "1241892", "unconfirmed_balance": "1505455" } 

*after closing all channels:*

{ "total_balance": "745703", "confirmed_balance": "0", "unconfirmed_balance": "745703" } 

I figured it was just a timing thing and I had to wait for on-chain confirmations so I moved that wallet balance out and left it overnight. Nothing changed. Empty wallet. Still nothing the following day.

So I figured I'd just gone and lost myself ~2m sats *somewhere* in the ether. Annoying.

I then transferred 0.01btc back in and re-established connections to nodes. Before I opened any actual channels - I noticed a few new channels appearing and just assumed it was autopilot kicking in.

Then I noticed my lightning walletbalance had increased in sats to account for the missing 2m sats! (So channels didn't close properly it seems, maybe I was too quick to re-flash my box? I assumed the last bit was on-chain only).

So now to my current problem that I hope someone with better understanding than I can help with... the pending_open_balance

**channelbalance** now gives me:

{ "balance": "1608916", "pending_open_balance": "684334" } 

That 684334 sat pending amount has been there for a couple of days now and I don't know what to do about it. Don't know if I've orphaned it somehow. I've now installed ZAP-Desktop and can see the channel entry on the right in Orange. When I click the popout icon it says "Transaction not found", whereas all my green ones resolve to a valid transaction fine.

**pendingchannels** gives me:

{ "total_limbo_balance": "0", "pending_open_channels": [ { "channel": { "remote_node_pub": "031d244a60d61936834f290656cdf0ed4b9979260c19b07804bde681819f8e14ca", "channel_point": "3f530cceeaef7364079c5662e71980d24d85afefcf43cc0201d0986031e07ddc:1", "capacity": "686094", "local_balance": "684334", "remote_balance": "0" }, "confirmation_height": 0, "commit_fee": "1760", "commit_weight": "600", "fee_per_kw": "2432" } ], "pending_closing_channels": [ ], "pending_force_closing_channels": [ ], "waiting_close_channels": [ ] } 

Sorry for the long read but wanted to give the full story in case my "dirty restore" was the cause.

Does anybody know what's going on, or how I could start tracking the issue down? (Or even just reassure me that once the week has passed, it'll just settle itself...? )

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