Friday, February 22, 2019

Guaranteed Carding Guides {Updated}

UPDATE: We've added to the collection:

  • "Virtual Carding Made Easy - A Step by step"

  • "How to Make Your Own Middle/Cashout Accounts"

  • "How to Use Stolen CCs To Buy Bitcoin Through Skrill February 2019"

  • "Chatting Anonymously Online”

  • "PayPal - How to process carded PayPal transfers"

Hello, there this is Mr.Gwydion:

We are solid. We have been selling Quality Guides at Affordable Prices Daily,for over 1 year now.

How do we do it?

Its very simple: we buy expensive Guides at DNM and sell them here for $10.

Allowing you to access expensive guides at an affordable price.

Its good business for both sides.

The Complete Carding Manual for Beginners

Original Price: $80

Our Price: $10

Buy It Now:

What Im going to cover:

How to really secure your connection, your laptop, etc (OpSec). How to create and use Fulls/Bank Drop Accounts and how to get them. Specific and unique resources. How to Cash Out Your CVVs. SOCKS/RDPS and why we use them Finding Cardable Websites. Everything Explained in super detail in 105 pages.

How to Use Stolen CCs To Buy Bitcoin Through Skrill February 2019

Original Price: $55

Our Price: $10

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You will learn how to use a stolen credit card to buy Bitcoin! First go to any number of darknet markets and buy yourself a credit card. The CC information will run you somewhere between $6 and $20 depending on BIN, Location, Seller, ETC. Next step: Buy BTCs with this information(you are also going to have to have a complete identity profile: A Fullz.) As you can see, its easy, just a few steps... You will know how to do it by yourself after read this Guide.

Virtual Carding Made Easy - A Step_by_step

Original Price: $40

Our Price: $10

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A guide for newbies, new members and moderate experienced guys. Some of the informations inside might blow the minds of some PRO carders around here, (as I already had the chance to do with some of the informations revealed inside) but is written so a newbie would understand it and can put it to work in 5 minutes after the last word from the guide. You will find 30 pages of pure quality information.

Bank Drop Creation and Cashout Guide

Original Price:$80

Our Price: $10

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WORKS WORLDWIDE! You don't have to be from US! What you will find inside:

A to Z on computer setup for opening Bank Drops. (and not only, you can use this for PayPal Fraud/Stripe/Skrill/Venmo, etc.) A to Z on how to open 4 different Brick and Mortar Bank Drops. ( And when i say A to Z i really mean it!) All resources and information on how to handle them without freezing the accounts, connecting them to Payment Processors. All resources needed to get to a cost of $11 / Bank Drop. Scan resource that will pass any verification 90% of time.

E-commerce Webstores for Fraud (Stripe, Braintree)

The smart way to cashout all your CCs

Original price: $95

Our Price $10

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I'll show you here a technique that I personally used and that works since early 2018. Because this guide is intended for noobs in first place, I'll explain this method for getting to two days payout on Stripe and make at least $3k-$5k per setup. You will receive here not only information on how to setup, but most important, why do it like I sayit and not any other way.

Amazon Guide - Refunding

Original Price: $75

Our Price: $10

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What is Amazon refunding? Basically it's simply: you order something on Amazon, you can get it refunded, 100%. Think that sounds great? Why stop there? Why not get 2, 3 of your items, AND a refund. You'll be able to after this.

Carding University v2.0

Original price: $150

Our price : $10

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After reading this guide, you will have the knowledge to card virtually anything. You can get free computers, electronics, clothes, and much more Go for the big fish, the ones who deserve it, like Walmart and Newegg. They are cardable. If you failed many times at carding them, you have the right book. There is no website considered “uncardable”. Everything can be carded with the right level of attack.

Guide to Paypal Credit

Original Price: $60

Our Price: $10

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You will learn how to Create PayPal Credit accounts with high limits, and **how to cash out these accounts out once they are created.

How to Process Carded PayPal Transfers and Cash It Out!

Our Price: $10

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Carded PayPal Transfer are all about Carding PayPal gateways and other factors. We are gonna give you some methods and some technical aspects. You will learn making transfer by creating a free or paid Web store and linking the email PayPal to it.

How to Make Your Own Middle/Cashout Accounts

Original Price: $50

Our Price: $10

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Learning Outcomes:

This tutorial will show you step by step how to create your OWN PayPal Middleman or Cashout accounts if you don't want to buy ones from Market and so that you can start transferring funds ! This Guide will make you successful when it comes to PayPal !!!

Take Over Bank Account!

Original Price: $31.20

Our Price: $10

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Product description: This is a comprehensive guide on how to use the fullz, this particular guide shows you how taking over a bank account goes like. As the OPSEC is number one for us, there is a lot about that. Not only the guide shows how to take over bank account, it also teaches you to safely cash it out.

Chatting Anonymously

Our Price: $10

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How to communicate online in a way that’s private, secret and anonymous. I’ll show you how to create anonymous real-time chat accounts and how to chat over those accounts using an encryption protocol called Off-the- Record Messaging, or OTR.
Whatever OS you are using: Mac OS X, Windows, Linux and Android. Pages: 55

Ultimate Guide for being Anonymous: Avoiding prison time for fun and profit

Original Price: $40

Our Price: $10

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You may be the best fraudster in the world, but if you cannot control your footprint on the internet and correctly erase your trail, you will simply crash and burn. Here you will learn how to really became anonymous…


Original Price: $350

Our Price: $10

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Increasing your success rate to 98% during CC, PayPal, Bank Carding Carders are constantly looking for a new ways to avoid banks and e-commerce fraud detection systems. These security solutions are mostly relying on browser fingerprints, which is the data left by a computing device while interacting in the field of analyzing and comparing these data. Anti-Detect Browser is one of the most prominent tools allowing you create a unique fingerprint to spoof the fraud detection system. the use of anti-detect is guaranteed to improve your carding, Bank account jobs and PayPal Jobs success rate.

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Wickr: gwydion


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