Sunday, February 17, 2019

Lisk Highlights weekly roundup February 17th 2019.

Hello everybody. The LISK project and it's enthusiasts are always busy, and this week past has certainly been no exception.

Seeing is believing, so here is a recap of the highlights and interesting items from the past week on the LISK subreddit and beyond.....


LiskUSA Goes Deep in it's Response to LIP11

"The proposed LIP11 will have the opposite effect of what it is intending to solve"; this was the collective opinion of the LiskUSA group in reaction to the Lisk Improvement Proposal dealing with the "change to one vote per account in our DPoS". LiskUSA continued, "It will likely cause a decrease in decentralization, replace coalitions with whales (or coalitions of whales), and competition will decrease as standby delegates are disenfranchised even further".

The piece published on the official LiskUSA website and also submitted to the LIP mailing list HERE was written and compiled by Matthew C AKA Ultrafresh and Edward Trosclair AKA StellarDynamic, elected Lisk Delegate. Lisk USA is a community run organization that was made to coordinate, recognize, and reward outreach and developments for Lisk.

Aside from disagreeing with the proposal as it stands, an interesting additional proposal was put forward by LiskUSA, or maybe proposal is too strong a word; maybe an idea is a better way to put it. This was where they wrote... "An interesting but perhaps controversial idea; It is very common for video games to completely wipe a beta server at the official launch of the game. While it goes against the idea of immutability, a one time re-vote / election could be seen as a way to make the landscape more fair for new delegates who will never have a chance of getting votes from some of the large lost accounts”.

There are loads more interesting insights contained within the 2400+ word submission. You can check it all out for yourself HERE.


Lisk is Ranking High on Google for Blockchain Terms.

Lisk community member /u/zOwn3Ds over on Lisk Chat seems to have been doing a bit of googling over the weekend when he stumbled across something that impressed him, which led him to post, "good to see lisk academy popping up first in google". He searched for the terms "blockchain node" and the result delivered showed Lisk sitting in No. 1 place for that search.

I decided to do a bit of googling of other terms related to Lisk so firstly I searched for "blockchain dpos" and again the result displayed showed Lisk in No. 1 place for that search. I found the same with simply searching "dpos". Another one of note that again showed Lisk sitting high in No. 2 place for the term "blockchain consensus". It seems The Lisk team's SEO is starting to pay good dividends. Long may it continue.


Lisk Sidechain Project Beefs Up its Digital Marketing.

The MADANA project have teamed up with UFOstart, a Berlin based marketing company specialising in blockchain tokensales and business startups. This will result in Lars Schulze, UFOstart Co-Founder, spending quite a bit of time with the MADANA team as he applies his 22 years of experience in the Online Marketing field to their projects promotional moves. Didi Lace, MADANA COO & Co-Founder, welcomed Lars via twitter by saying "A great partner for the interesting road ahead! Glad to have you on board".

The MADANA project has closed its pre-sale and is now preparing for its main sale, so personally I believe it is a good move for the team to bring onboard someone with the amount of experience of Lars, not to mention the contacts his company, UFOstart, can access. Lars founded his first internet company in 1996 and he has reportedly supported more than 100 projects - from startups and SMEs to large corporations. As a part of UFOstart he has worked with such blockchain projects as ascribe, metamorph, photochain, polygravity, rehaptix, womtoken, and Ocean Protocol.

You can view a picture of the MADANA team complete with Lars (third from right) HERE


LISK Sidechain Project's Co-Founder Lays Out the Development Plan for the Week Ahead .

Yesterday, Chief R&D Officer and Co-founder of GNY, Richard Jarritt (bringing Machine Learning to Lisk) revealed the tasks for the week to the projects followers on the GNY telegram.

1. Analysis.

The team will undertake a comprehensive analysis of the solutions other Machine Learning developers have offered within the DPOS space. This to ensure their efforts are above current industry standards. Dissection, comparison, and learning for the team this week so.

2. Internal Education.

The heads of team are creating guides to the projects Machine Learning in Python and Javascript. This is to ensure all team members not only understand the concept but also the code. Internal education cannot be underestimated and is vital to keep all team members aligned.

3. Timeline.

Drafting a completion timeline for the GNY Machine Learning operating within the codebase that Leo Liang (known from the Asch decentralized application platform) has created. This will be made available to the public.

The GNY universal Beta Api plug-in update is out now and testing is welcomed for commercial developers aiming to work with Machine learning and blockchain. You can visit Github to view the steps to run it HERE.


Lisk, Spreading from Costa Rica in Central America to Atlanta in North America.

Lisk Central America have released a comprehensive recap of their presentation at TicoBlockChain 2019 in Costa Rica. Software Architect, Jake Simmons, represented LISK Central America with his presentation on 'Scaling blockchain horizontally with Lisk'. Jake's presentation took part in the midst of the conference's speaker collection of lawyers, developers, educators, banking executives, investment professionals, their keynotes, panel talks and fireside chats.

Lisk Central America is an organization with the intention of bringing awareness of the LISK blockchain application platform and Blockchain in general to Central America. So we are talking, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. Now generally the group's main focus is local meetups, but on this particular occasion the collective took a step into the conference circuit, and from reading their upbeat recap of TicoBlockChain, I don't think it will be the last.

For those of us who could not make the trip we have Lisk community member /u/illuciferium to thank for filming Jake's presentation and uploading it to Youtube HERE. You can also see Jake being interviewed at the conference by Ricardo Barquero, Nimiq Community Manager in this VIDEO

Well done Jake, and we hope to see you introducing Lisk to many more folk in the months to come.


Now from a past event in South America to one that is upcoming in North America, and with that we look at towards Atlanta. Lisk delegate Blockvibe's aim is to foster, support, and expand the Lisk ecosystem in South Korea and the United States of America. One of their major plans for the community is to organize and host regular meetups and Lisk sidechain conferences in these regions. To that end they will be hosting an Atlanta Blockchain Meetup on Sat Feb 16 (1 to 3pm), titled "Intro to Blockchain and the Lisk Platform". Further details of the event can be found HERE. Bob Anglin from those lively Lisk Delegates will be the guest speaker on day. Free food and prize draws are also promised.

Good luck and best wishes to all the event organisers and those folk who where-possible come out to attend these meetups.


That's it for the recap of the weeks highlights. I hope it brought you up to speed with all the weeks good news.

These highlight posts also go out daily on the….

LISK Highlights exclusive Telegram group

LISK Highlights Twitter

The highlights are also included in my weekly roundup on the LISK Highlights Medium account and the Bitcoin talk forum's LISK thread, so keep an eye out for them on these outlets also.


Keep the faith Liskers! 👍

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