Tuesday, February 12, 2019

TabConf Monero Report

"I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Satoshi Nakamoto, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought." - 1 Corinthians 1:10

Fellow Disciples of Privacy,

I have returned to tell the tale my pilgrimage to Atlanta, GA where I spread the gospel of our devout belief in financial privacy. I was there from Feb 7-11 and the conference itself was Feb 8-10. Here is the link to the event website.

Feb 8

On my way to the 1st day of the event I talked to a woman with a booth outside holding a "Free Stress Test" sign. She was representing Scientology and informed me of the practice of Dianetics. She explained that Dianetics is the process of identifying negative memories in the brain and removing them so they cannot be stimulated to be re-experienced. She denied that such process could be performed by stimulating the amygdala with an electrode.

I went on my way to the workshop event at TabConf where I learned about IBM's Hyperledger Fabric and stepped into Bitpay's workshop where they were working with the "Bitcoin-Core" client. Later I met up with /u/midipoet and learned from a passing group that the host of this conference, Georgia State University, had a large computer network that performed substantial rendering for their video production in the Entrepreneurship Department. I went to meet with the director of that department, Elizabeth Strickler and asked if they had ever considered subsidizing the cost of that hardware by mining Monero with it. She was curious about this idea but ultimately the University pays for the electricity and that was beyond the scope of her authority. She told me she would connect me with higher up directors.

After lunch I sat in the Hashgraph (Hedera) meetup.

The pre-conference party at the Beer Garden Bar happened a few hours later where I met 2 members of the Church of Monero and several other OG crypto community members. I talked with /u/rehrar, his better looking half, and /u/midipoet discussing the state of the Monero community. I didn't go to sleep until ~2 am, grabbing food at a late night Atlanta diner with a few other people.

Feb 9

In the morning I caught /u/rehrar's talk.

Later I went and talked with Paul Puey /u/paullinator from Edge about his experience implementing Monero into their platform. He explained to me that it has been very challenging for them to implement and maintain Monero functionality. The frequent network upgrades and unique code structure "almost require a full time Monero engineer." [Maybe this could be a decentralized position the Monero community could crowdfund?] I expressed my concern and understanding of the challenges Edge has faced regarding Monero and assured him that I would bring this concern to the rest of the community.

As I walked around the booths at TabConf, I also met with Brian Hoffman of Open Bazaar where I asked about Monero integration, possible i2p data transmission layer, and Discord-like chat functionality in their new Haven app. He expressed similar challenges for Monero integration and I proposed that he contact /u/binaryfate to integrate one way XMR -> BTC functionality with xmr.to's API to get around the need to maintain a Monero wallet while maintaining some financial privacy.

I learned about the struggle of being a woman in Blockchain at the "Women in Blockchain Panel".

I was there for (Chris Derose's) /u/brighton36's shocking reveal in his presentation on Professionalism in Blockchain.

Daniel Krawisz /u/danielkrawisz then taught us about using Mass Hypnosis through costly signalling to communicate Bitcoin to the world.

Mike In Space showed us several controversial Bitcoin Car Talk videos.

Diego /u/rehrar eating apple sauce!

Eventually we all met up at Skyline Park for dinner, drinks and a rooftop party.

Me at the rooftop bar with a view of Atlanta

We were all out late partying. TabConf had an open tab all night and your TabConf ticket got you in free.

@ComEatMeBra (Telegram) from the Church of Monero found this Hymnal with an M inscribed on it while walking through the street.

@joshuam_ (Twitter) from Decred was out late with us partying.

Feb 10

On this Sunday, the Church of Monero held is largest "in real life" Mass with five people from TabConf total participating.

Chris Derose, Daniel Krawisz, and Xeagu

We introduced two new members to the Church of Monero and had four people plus me participate in Mass.

I went to listen to the Lightning Network Panel and have been interested in this technology since I heard about the Lightning Network Torch Ceremony on Twitter where people send a "Torch" to each other using Lightning Network transactions. This ritual is similar to the Church of Monero Mass.

Afterwards I stayed for the CEO/Founder Panel with Paul Puey, Brian Hoffman, Stephen, Pair, and Wayne Vaughan (from left to right).

I think the CEO Panel was my favorite segment of the conference. The conference really put together a diverse speaker set and appropriately organized the CEO Panel in a way that was conducive to understand many different perspectives within the ecosystem. Estimates for victory in this crypto revolution range from 4 to 20 years. Private Key Custody will be an important variable in this process.

After the panel, I listened to Kevin Pham, Chris Derose, rm0rf, and several others further discuss the sovereignty of crypto nation states and between them the competition to develop the best blockchain tech.

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