Thursday, March 28, 2019

03-28 22:34 - 'You are an inferior Sap, and your genes will not last.' (self.Bitcoin) by /u/CryptoH0DLEM removed from /r/Bitcoin within 0-4min


From their perspective, homo sapiens has learned far more than any documented previous life on Earth. Unfortunately, it is held back by its primal roots in evolution, which it hasn't yet been able to shed. If you've been wondering why alien life forms have not tried to make contact yet, this is the reason. Higher life forms would never consider contacting a semi-intelligent species, until they prove capable of the higher intelligence which ensures that they will be sticking around more than a few hundred or thousand years. The majority of what we today call homo sapiens has probably not evolved into homo superior yet and (unfortunately) will not spontaneously evolve superpowers (besides higher intelligence capacity). The only way that homo superior can possibly take the reigns is through a cataclysmic event that wipes out most of the human population. (Un)fortunately, the probability that this will happen constantly increases, especially given the prevalence of barbaric Sap drama. Even more worrisome is the possibility of stepping back evolutionarily when it does happen.

The title of this article is slightly misleading, because if you've read this far, you're probably not a Sap, but I don't believe that we currently have any known adequate test to differentiate between the two species since the difference is so subtle and dependent on environmental factors. The general trend for humanity is also to corral all humans into general education programs that are getting dumber by the day, and in general to halt any evolutionary progress on the general population. Is this offensive to "inferior gene" people? No, I'm simply stating the fact that certain genes are superior in certain environments. No other terrestrial genes besides ones that promote higher intelligence will propel any lifeform to become interplanetary and be able to survive a mass extinction event. In an environment where you are destined to succumb to any number of planetary mass-extinction events, it is a guarantee that you or your genes and offspring will mostly end at some point, unless you figure out how to planet-hop. Which means that the alien life forms that are observing our planet (if they are) don't care that we have quantum computers because we can lose that knowledge in a flash. What they are waiting for, is to see a self-sustaining interplanetary species, or a gravitational wave consistent with a successful test of an Alcubierre drive (a "Zephram Cochrane" moment, if you will) which guarantees that life originating from this planet will be around far longer than a cosmic "blink of an eye" and is a force to be reckoned with (hopefully with a friendly welcome).

So, unfortunately, it doesn't matter whether you're a Sap, or a Sup. Until Elon can accomplish his goals, the rest of us will probably die enslaved to the fiat ponzi schemes of our tax dollars, paying for barbaric wars and other wastefulness that only makes the rich Saps richer, oblivious to any proof of alien life forms that are avoiding us like the plague. The story has not changed in millenia. Maybe it would change before the next such extinction event, especially if more billionaire "Elons" would step up to the plate, but unfortunately, most of them seem intently focused on living the life of luxury while increasing their wealth.
Now get back to work so you can pay your bills and taxes because they're about to print more money to devalue your meager paycheck, slave...

Don't like it?

Long BTC, short the banksters, and prove that you're not a Sap by continuing to learn and contribute until the day you die.


You are an inferior Sap, and your genes will not last.

Go1dfish undelete link

unreddit undelete link

Author: /u/CryptoH0DLEM

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