Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Anahouac Jack

So, who exactly is Anahouac Jack? In my intro I alluded to a decode that led me down the path of finding out about an interesting little fact on Jack Dorsey. Let me try and walk you through my decode...

The tweet I am referencing:

There is far more ENERGY on the Right than there is on the Left. That's why we just won the Senate and why we will win big in 2020. The Fake News just doesn't want to report the facts. Border Security is a big factor. The under construction Wall will stop Gangs, Drugs, and Crime! 9:52:46

First, when I decode I find there is a GREAT deal of details that can be revealed when you not only decode POTUS via cap letters (Gematria), but when you combine it with the message in the Deltas, some VERY interesting things pop up. There are multiple Deltas (deltas refer to change in time; Remember: Time stamps are important. Deltas are important. Spelling and punctuation are important.) within each POTUS tweet. Thanks to the Anon who I learned this from!! ((You can learn a lot as a lurker.)) There are Deltas between tweets, Deltas from the 1st tweet of the day, and Deltas within the actual timestamp (Intradelta). Intradeltas: I think it's probably best if I give an example to guide you into how it's done using the tweet I found Anahouac Jack in. Feb 23 the 3rd tweet of the day has a timestamp of 9:52:46. 52-9 =43 52-46=6 therefore the Intradelta is 43:06.

In the 3rd POTUS tweet of the day, on 2-23-2019, you have an Intradelta of 43:06, a Delta Last of 00:22, and a Delta 1st of 100min (or 1:40). [Delta last = the time between POTUS tweet #2 and #3. Delta 1st = the time between POTUS Tweet #1 and #3.]

Also in Tweet #3, we see a change in punctuation: Remember, spelling and punctuation are important. The final sentence ends in an exclamation point. I forget where I learned this--but the ! at the end of the sentence directs me to look at that particular sentence's Gematria value in reverse.

Now, let's pick apart this tweet, but ONLY as it references to Anahouac Jack. I'll pick it apart fully in another post.

Gematria of...

T ENERGY R L T S T F N B S = 1165/224 (Jewish/Simple)

T W G D C = 4101/75 *reversed = 1014 / 57 *


News that was quickly swept under the rug on Feb 23? Amazon's cargo plane crashes in Anahouac, TX. This was what I call a "Secondary Dig" in my notes, which means it requires further investigation.

Q1014: We see that @Jack has been pushing fake bots on Twitter via C_A's Op Q...trying to impersonate Q in order to discredit/cast doubt upon Q team. The post ends with "@Jack Good luck."

In POTUS Tweet #4 we see a video posted referencing the raising of the flag in Iwo Jima. The text with the video is this:

74 years ago today, Marines on Iwo Jima raised the flag atop Mount Suribachi. Semper Fidelis

Semper Fidelis means "always faithful" "always loyal" - keep this in mind.

M I J M S S F = 855/89

Numbers also have meaning inside a text. Here we see 74 years ago today. This means subtract 74. When we subtract 74 from 855 we get 781.


Do you see the emerging picture?? Let's investigate a little more. The best news source is always the local news source,
I find, when it comes to an event like this. Details don't get glossed over right away, so you'll find some interesting things.

Here are the pieces of information that we find:

1) The plane was an Amazon Cargo plane, piloted by the captain + 2 co-pilots. Who owns Amazon? BEZOS

2) The route was MIA - HOUSTON, specifically to GEORGE BUSH INTERCONTINENTAL Airport just outside Houston

3) The crash site is Trinity Bay, TX at the northern point called JACK'S POCKET

4) The flight was ATLAS AIR #3591 [3+5+9+1 = 18..or 17+1...or Q+]

5) Eyewitness reports: "engines surging" "took sharp turn" "nose first"

6) Altitude delta = 3500 in 30 sec [3+5+3=11... I forget the significance of 11]

7) Jack's pocket is a portion of the bay that is a muddy marshland approx 5ft deep, black box recovery chances are pretty darn low.

So we learn that this crash was a co-pilot suicide mission, that the plane was manipulated, and that the airport scanner images will solve the puzzle as to what, exactly, was on loaded onto that plane. We also learn that this is a message to the trio of Bezos, Bush, and Dorsey... (we'll get to that message in a minute)

Here are the connections:

BEZOS was raised in Miami by a Cuban step-dad who emigrated to MIA via Operation Pedro Pan. BUSH family prevalent in TX. JACK Dorsey has a very large pocket. Here we have the "Trinity".

JACK Dorsey not only owns Twitter, but also is CEO of his other company SQUARE Inc. Square is a mobile payments app which recently migrated bitcoin into the app. In Oct 2018, his CFO leaves and stocks plunge. Dec 12, JACK starts a long, predictable sell-off of SQUARE stocks: 103,035 shares EVERY Wed, religiously (through end of Feb when I worked on the decode). Just in that time period, good ol' JACK accumulated approx $60M in wealth...so where did it go? Insider trading is illegal, is it not??

Back to BEZOS...we know BEZOS, in 2013, publicized a contract with C_A worth $600M. ... BEZOS also owns Blue Origin Space Exploration (BOSE), and has partnered with NASA on this. Competitor to Musk's SpaceX... His real last name is Jorgenson, but he was raised by his step-dad--a beneficiary of Operation Pedro Pan.

Operation Pedro Pan, using National Geographic as my sauce, was "a program that ran from 1960 to 1962 and airlifted more than 14,000 unaccompanied Cuban children to the U.S." (that's A LOT of unaccompanied minors). Children who were under the impression they would be back to Cuba in a few days. Who created/led this program?? The Catholic Welfare Bureau's Father Bryan Walsh who sought foster homes for the unaccompanied minors that did not have known family members to be sent to. To be fair, this could be quite legit, but if we are being pointed in this direction, it is likely a child trafficking operation via the Catholic church.

BEZOS also graduated from Princeton (secret society, anyone?), and has residences in NM, TX, FL... but wait, aren't those trafficking hotbeds??? Like any good globalist, there is also a family foundation: BEZOS Family Foundation, that focuses on youth indoctrination.. I mean, education.

OK, now that we have the backgrounds (we already know Bush family has long history with Secret Societies)...let's find the message to this Cabal Trio. To find this, we look at Anahouac.

ANAHOUAC = 254/49



What is the message? Q Team has an ace in the hole from which there is no escape, and it's the end game for the DS Trio, courtesy the Bald Eagle. There is also a warning that there are hidden enemies that will be a danger to the Bald Eagle. I suspect Eugenicist Gates is one of them. (The Bald Eagle?? I have a very strong hunch, but I'll keep that to myself.)

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