Friday, March 22, 2019

Community Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Published 22nd March 2019

  1. What’s the status with BLOCKv patents?

A: BLOCKv has not filed for patents. Vatomic Systems, a U.S. company, formed several years prior to BLOCKv, provisionally filed a patent application for its digital objects platform in 2016. BLOCKv licensed this technology from Vatomic to enable it to build out the current capabilities.

  1. When is VEEconomics coming out?

A: VEEconomics will be published before the end of this month.

  1. What happened to the partnership and VEE allocated to the Science Blockchain project?

A: In 2017, as part of the partnership signed with Science Blockchain, BLOCKv allocated $500,000 worth of VEE to support projects over a period of two years as an initiative to incentivize the developer community to use the technology and expand the digital goods economy. We have not received any project requests from Science Blockchain and therefore have also not given out any VEE grants yet.

  1. What VEE has been allocated to partners? Is there a danger that they will never need to go to exchanges to purchase future VEE for campaigns?

A: We don’t disclose specific grants of VEE to partners or developers. However, partners and developers can receive grants from the community pool. We make these grants to kick-start a partner’s engagement on the platform where we can see a real benefit in terms of driving adoption. However, grants are never intended as an alternative to needing to purchase VEE from the market in the medium term, but to ease initial partner R&D and adoption of our platform.

  1. Why are you no longer listing advisors on the web site? Who are your current advisors?

A: It’s natural in the evolution of every company to choose advisors based on its stage of development. BLOCKv’s original advisor line-up was focussed on defining BLOCKv's initial vision & strategy. BLOCKv has moved on significantly in the past eighteen months to a live production platform with rapidly growing adoption.

Engagements with some advisors have ended whereas we continue to work closely with others. To give some examples: • Our advisor Craig Sellars talking about Blockchain being alive with Vatoms at the North American Bitcoin Conference 2019. • BLOCKv showcased Vatoms at Peter Diamandis’ annual keystone event, Abundance 360 for the last two years. • Xin Chung’s direct collaboration with BLOCKv during the Intel Project Engage and NRF butterfly experience.

  1. What is the technical road map? What technical advances can we expect?

A: As per the latest February newsletter, we have updated the Web SDK to version 2.0, launched the Brain Framework in Closed BETA to the community and completely re-architected the data paths within the platform to asynchronous. Forthcoming technical updates will include: Q2 • Brain Framework PUBLIC LAUNCH • Vatom transfer between BLOCKv accounts and Ethereum wallets (and back again) • BLOCKv Unity SDK • Enhanced Developer Portal Admin Functions • Cyclers Framework BETA • Extensive Developer Documentation updates • Demo Vatom Templates Q3 • Cyclers Framework PUBLIC LAUNCH

  1. Does BLOCKv still care about the developer community or are you completely focussed on the big brands / partners?

A: We see the projects for big brands as a strategy to proliferate the usage of virtual goods, generate PR and educate a mass community of how to interact with Vatoms. The positive outcome of these projects is huge for all of those involved with the platform, including the developers, as it exposes a greater audience to the virtual goods economy. That being said, BLOCKv is a platform open to all and we highly appreciate, welcome and encourage developers who want to use our platform to build projects. We understand that earlier in 2018, when we were building up the team, some developer queries may have been missed. If your technical question has gone unanswered, please email and we'll do our very best to help (if it's not too late). Please note that if you need support, please contact us via email rather than other channels.

  1. Can I emit VEE to a user from a Vatom?

A: Rewarding a user for sharing a Vatom with another Vatom is a function which is already available and many developers and partners have already used this. For example, we created a business card that comes with 1 VEE credit which can be transferred to an Ethereum address, so there’s nothing to stop a developer on the platform from doing this now. We’re happy to support any developers wishing to use VEE as a mechanism of reward. Please email with your request.

  1. Can we be assured that the VEE required to back Vatoms will be bought off exchanges and not via OTC from large holders of VEE? We want to know if VEE investors are going to hold coins that will never have demand on the exchanges.

A: This will be answered in the forthcoming VEEconomics paper.

  1. What are the current active projects and long term partners?

A: In addition to our partnerships with Intel, Austella, Vatom Labs, Varius, MEDA & InCrowd, who are all actively working on implementing multiple projects in Q2 and Q3. These include a ticketing solution for a sports team, a branded game for a major beer distributor and a new product for a global toy company. We’re also recruiting a significant number of both global and local partners to the BLOCKv platform, and will announce these when we are able to, with mutual consent. Moreover, there are also lots of developers within the community who are building projects on the BLOCKv platform that we’re loosely aware of, but we’re not directly involved with, and we’d love to hear more and how we can help, so please share.

  1. Any plans on improving the development community in the near future?

A: We’re working to improve the developer portal with additional documentation, blog posts, and functions, and we’re planning to launch a developer technical forum shortly. We’d also love to support any meetups, and we’re looking at launching a developer web conference, as per suggestions from the channel.

  1. Is the tech ready for developing a product based on it? No breaking changes planned in the near future from a dev consumer perspective?

A: Absolutely. We have numerous production campaigns live currently. There will not be any breaking changes to any features which are out of BETA.

  1. Are developers encouraged on presenting BLOCKv in community events, writings posts, writing clients for the API, etc...?

A: Absolutely. Please reach out to us!

  1. Social Media presence is improving but, are there plans for a better communication regarding project state and answering daily questions? I think the lack of communication on this side has been the main cause for trust issues lately. If only setting an hour a day to be active in chats?

A: We’ve just appointed a new social & community manager, Joana Rizzo. Joana will do her best to respond to reasonable questions raised, or get another team member to respond. KC will be stepping down as Telegram admin and we thank her for her hard work.

  1. Why is Various using EOSIO to build campaigns instead of BLOCKv? And what is the connection between EOSIO and BLOCKv?

A: BLOCKv allows the creation of Vatoms on Ethereum- as well as EOS-based blockchain. Varius has used this functionality to showcase their campaign creation tool, Studio, but all digital object orchestration is via the BLOCKv platform. A tutorial on how to create EOS-based Vatoms will be available on the developer portal.

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