Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Beginning...

I have been a lurker for quite some time, now, on various feeds/research boards, and feel it's time to start putting out my own decodes. This first post, however, is primarily for those who are new to the Movement--baby steps to point you in the right direction.

I have to wonder, looking back at the current world from the future, will those of us who are woke remember the day we discovered the Q Movement? Will it be one of those "Where were you when JFK was shot?" or "Where were you when you heard the news of 9/11?" kinds of moments? These events are defining moments in history, much like the Q Movement is a defining moment in history. I will be looking forward to reading those "Where were you when you discovered Q?" stories in future books.

To understand the puzzle presented by the Q Team, I would first recommend two very important books starring two prominent and well-respected military guys:

1) "War is a Racket" by Smedley Butler (US Marines)

2) "Behold a Pale Horse" by Bill Cooper (US Navy, Q Clearance)

I would also recommend reading the Bible, front to back--don't skip around. It's important, however, to understand that unless your heart is in it, you will not see what the Lord needs you to see, nor will you understand what is needed to understand. Pray for guidance -- to have your heart and mind opened to the message the Lord needs you to see. I can tell you from experience that each time you read the Bible, front to back, you will see something new and you'll better understand the double meaning in many of the verses. I would also recommend that while reading the Bible, you use a source like Bible Hub's interlinears. The interlinears will give you the original wording and how the various meanings relate to various verses. Hebrew reads right to left, so it can take a few runs to understand the sentence structure. Look up the words, how they are used, and does it make sense how your Bible has translated the meaning? I say this because there are times when I am doing this comparison and the translation does not make sense (i.e. the meaning gets changed ever so slightly from what is deemed the original text).

When you start the process of decoding POTUS tweets/Q Posts, there are multiple layers to the messages being provided. Combined, they will take you down multiple layers of rabbit holes--and when you search out one you'll find many more that are connected to the one you are researching. The Research boards are a wealth of information from Anons around the world who are on their mission to dig deep and find the answers. To be warned, it is not a place for the faint of heart or skin of glass. You'll get some great leads from the KEK Squad, and you'll get some not-so-great pics from the shills. Lurk to learn.

My personal favorites:

SB2 (serialbrain2-reddit) is a great place to start - he is excellent at walking you through his decode methodology of POTUS/Q Decodes. Praying Medic is a great person to follow on Twitter, as is Lisa Mei. General Flynn's twitter I like to check in on from time to time because he changes his background images--which have meaning. A couple weeks ago it was the Flynn family crest of loyalty... a couple days ago when I checked in it was an image of the bright sun breaking through the clouds of darkness. Billy Joyce (you tube) provides the Canadian perspective -- an excellent source for what's going on in Canada with regards to the DS. Dr Mumbi (you tube) gives you an interesting African perspective of that continent's events---particularly Kenya, but Africa in general--and how the world news relates to Africa in particular.

For Deep State clues:

S8tan (twitter) has mostly typical "God is bad, Evil is good" type messages, but once in a while you'll see something on there that provides an interesting clue: EX-one time I was lurking and there was a message about Tik Tok being cancelled with a video of a young girl attached to the msg (I have no idea what the video was about as I did not view it--it was enough to know that the girl looked underage). Knowing that the DS loves their trafficking trains, it doesn't take long to figure out that they cancelled one of their little parties. Also it is important to understand that it is the DS group at high levels who run that particular feed, which makes it all the more disturbing.

Comey, Brennan, HRC twitter feeds are always an interesting read for clues as they very openly have called for violence against Trump and his supporters. Their messages are coded, as well, so once you have learned to read between the lines, you will understand the message they are sending to their operatives. Also listen to Anderson Cooper's nonsense - he is a big DS Operative and you can garner clues from his rants as they are directed at the Q Team + POTUS.

Other things to keep in mind:

Q Team has told us this: Punctuation is important. Spelling is important. Timestamps are important. Deltas are important. It is through a combination of these that you'll find the clues you need to decode the messages sent.

As you read through the various feeds that you like best, it is important to understand that not everyone will be red-pilled. Q Team estimates 4-6% will never see the light. They (those in the dark) are there to break you down, not build you up. As the Lord states multiple times in the OT: Their eyes are closed and their ears will not hear so that they cannot repent and find favor again in the Lord, for the Lord seeks to destroy them. These opposers might be your BFF, your family, your co-worker, but they are all around. If you want to red-pill them, do it gently, pique their interest with questions about connections you have made. EX: In one of my decodes (I'll go into it another time) I was brought to the plane crash in Anahuac TX. Through this I found a connection to Jack Dorsey and his weekly cash-outs on Wednesdays of 135035 shares of stock in Square (his own payment system, which he recently added bitcoin option to). As of the end of Feb, he has cashed out approx $60M between Dec 12 and Feb's end. You can use this information to pique their interest--make the connection, then back-track and explain how you obtained that info (since it isn't on CNN). Start a weekly research topic on FB/Twitter/whatever your social media of choice is. You can't force people to see what you see--you have to get them to do the research and discover for themselves that the world is not what is portrayed on TV--that TV is purely entertainment, a distraction from the truth.

As the Jesus told his Disciples: In order to gain entry to heaven you must be like a child. He does not mean that only children will enter, but you need to be like a child--constantly seeking out truth/knowledge through asking of questions. (Parents, you all know what I'm talking about!) When we stop asking questions, when we stop seeking knowledge, evil finds a way into our heart and mind. It is then that we become complacent and obedient--zombie-like...exactly how the DS wants us to be.

May your journey to truth be filled with wonder!

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