Monday, April 8, 2019

My thoughts on "cryptocurrencies" and why I think BANANO is on the right track

Just the thoughts of someone who has observed the cryptocurrency happenings for many years. Not investment advice.

Firstly, I would like to say that Banano appears professional and high quality, yet doesn't take itself too seriously. This is refreshing. Everything from the website, to the mobile wallet, to the logo, to the monKeys all look premium. Everything fits together seamlessly. The developers are capable and produce professional results.

Speaking of the mobile wallet, Kalium is one of the best mobile wallets I've ever seen. It's simple and pleasant to use. If it's not true already, eventually the majority of people will use mobile wallets for their coins.

Banano is on its way to having great distribution. The developers are taking a lot of care to ensure that Banano gets to as many people as possible as fairly as possible. Various airdrops to holders of different coins, faucet games and activities, mass tipping and even a web based miner distribute Banano. The Banano Miner especially has gained a lot of attention and could generate quite a substantial amount of additional funds for development.

This paragraph and the next are the most significant parts of my post, in my opinion. Banano has the advantage of not trying to be "a better Bitcoin". Bitcoin does still have revolutionary "tech", but it is not only the tech that makes Bitcoin valuable. Bitcoin is more of an economic invention. Any coin that promotes their "better technology" as the reasoning for why they are better than Bitcoin fails to understand why Bitcoin is and most likely will remain the top coin and the best store of value. Also, in the unlikely event that any fixed supply/deflationary cryptocurrency does gain significant usage as a monetary currency, it will most likely be Bitcoin with a layer built on top of it. With that said, Banano does have the "best tech" for online tips and micro-transactions. Why? Because of how it is presented. It's not trying to be a store of value or replace currencies. People won't be afraid to use it because hopefully, they won't see it as only an investment. They will see it as a fun, less scary internet token to tip their friends and play games that's easy to use. They also won't know anything about the tech, except that when they send Banano it is fast and cost them nothing.

My last point is about marketing. Banano will have an advantage because the average person cares about apps, not coins. Banano will gain adoption due to users caring about the games, social networks, memes and other entertaining things built around Banano. Once you get them engaged on a service that they care about, then maybe they will care about your coin. Cryptokitties almost achieved this, but the Ethereum network was not ready nor ideal for that type of app. Banano is on the right track and ready to be utilized and has a big opportunity to make it happen.

Thanks for reading.

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