Sunday, April 7, 2019

Tech Utards

The sad state of tech in Utah:

Concurrent with Utah's largest open source gathering OpenWest, The Exit Club presents the Blockchain and Crypto-currency Summit on April 11, 2019 from 9 am to 12 noon.

It would be really nice if "The Exit Club" referred to pukes here that are getting out of crypto (forever).

The open source movement, mindset, philosophy, the community, and their contributions, were the single most important aspect and driving force of the rise and success to anything and everything crypto related, from the very foundations that made Bitcoin possible, to where it is today.

It is those people, in the open source community, that built the foundation upon which you now stand, and built the environment, that allowed you to create the bubble in which you now live 24x7. At any crypto gathering or conference, you will find those software developers as the largest contingency.

Given that, who are the ass munches that planned this meeting during the biggest open source event of the year in Utah (OpenWest 10,11,12)?

I personally, and many many others would very much like to attend this event, but the crypto cunts who planned this, plopped it down right in the middle of this conference, had no concern or clue of the size and importance of this event, especially to the local community that are involved in both endeavors.

It is disrespectful to the open source community, their contributions in general, to exclude them from this event, scheduling at the same time. The choice is a no brainer, skip the crypto event, to hell with the pukes with no clue, and all who participate.

It says a lot about the organizers not being in the know, and furthermore, the speakers being out of the loop of reality and what is going on there, why are they (or you), not at OpenWest?

If you have benefited from crypto, bitcoin, or any other aspect, going forward please consider the people that put it all right in your lap. At a minimum, do nothing at all, minimally not scheduling any crypto anything during other top tech events in Utah. The crypto community has shown a complete ignorance anything outside of themselves, as such, I'm out.

I see so many others bailing as well because of the very mentality that is present here. Good luck, you are going to need it.

You have the option of contributing to the wider local tech community in general, first by having some minimal fucking awareness, participate, maybe go to OpenWest, speak there, contribute, find a way.

If not, then Go fuck yourselves, fucking utards.


Speakers wholly unqualified to speak about anything related to crypto:

There are the punks, that when any movement, of any sort anywhere happens to really get going, they run out front and present themselves as founding pioneers and experts, it's all hype. I have explored the historical involvement of the speakers here, and there is nothing to be offered by them to the crypto community.

* Stanton Huntington

* Eric Tippetts

* Richard Swart

* Anthem Hayek Blanchard

* Jim Dowd

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