Thursday, May 16, 2019

About MinedBlock

What is MinedBlock?

MinedBlock Limited will be responsible for the smooth operation, repair and expansion of physical assets, as well as fully cover all expenses incurred in excess of the profits. Under no contingency, users and token holders will not cover any costs and damages in the event of any unforeseen circumstances.

The main principle of MinedBlock is to provide maximum transparency for all its customers and long-term investors. MinedBlock will fully disclose its plans and intentions, as well as information about progress and profit. All information on expenses and incomes will be published monthly for review and viewing by all users and tokens holders in order to ensure maximum transparency of the entire platform and service of controlled mining. All existing wallet addresses that belong to the company will be posted on the investor's information panel and this will allow all participants to see all the assets of the MinedBlock company at any time.

Digital needle search in digital straw stack Dijital

There is one thing that I want to draw attention to very briefly before I go to the topic: Bitcoin extraction, ie mining to get some bitcoin, is not the sole purpose of mining. Bitcoin miners, also called Blockchain and BTC is one of the features of the BTC and decentralized account to keep the book, which is why this is what it is and what is the subject of another article also be the subject. For now, let's just think of mining as mak to find / remove bitcoin co Şimd

Bitcoin mining is, in fact, very, very, in summary, the search for a number that is characteristic of your computer, and what makes this number so special is that it is difficult to find and difficult to find.

Bitcoin mining is getting harder

The reason for it to be difficult and difficult is not by chance. This is because the Bitcoin protocol is being designed, a security measure set by Satoshi Nakamoto. This security measure (that is, it is difficult to find) is that everyone can't perform in Bitcoin printing ”(and / or manipulate Blockchain)) according to his head.

Actually, think of mining as a game of chance that you play on your computer or, as I wrote above, in a straw stack of numbers, again by searching for numbers. Assume that each of your search moves is proportional to your processing power. In this case, the more CPU power you put into this, the more likely you are to find a needle in the haystack.

In the meantime, you can imagine that the digital straw stack in question is gigantic and the needle is tiny. And it is not possible to i start looking from a corner of the haystack asyon and to use the optimization methods in such ways to shorten / increase your chances. This is going to be a bad example, but think that the needle is constantly and randomly displaced.

MinedBlock mining As A Service.

MinedBlock offers the open door for financial specialists to exploit utilizing the assets from a huge scale mining task, mining numerous crypto resources without the need to purchase, design and keep up costly mining hardware.

MinedBlock one of a kind way to deal with this movement gives you a completely verified and agreeable token giving you an offer of responsibility for holding organization behind the administration and not only an ‘arbitrary utility token.

What is CPU Mining?

In the early days of Bitcoin, it was possible to mining with any computer (it is still possible, of course, but not materially profitable because it costs much more than its revenue). Even the official Bitcoin client Bitcoin-QT self-mininge was openly presented to the user. What we call CPU mining, the computer used in the CPU, the power of the central processing unit of the computer, taking advantage of the above-mentioned mathematical operations to do the computer and as a result was to obtain Bitcoin. But soon after, more people became familiar with Bitcoin, and the mining stream became obsolete, which increased the overall processing speed of the network and raised the level of difficulty. But the end of the era of CPU mining was not the only one. There is another factor that causes this Buna

What is GPU Mining?

Graphics cards are more efficient than processors (CPUs) to solve the mathematical problems required to perform Bitcoin (and some other coins) mining. The reason for this is that the GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit), the processors of the graphics cards, are more efficient in the floating point calculations and the processes required for Bitcoin extraction are intensively used by these calculations. That is to say, in a parable that the GPUs are more effective in the mining process than the CPUs, which will also be understood by those who do not. Çiler If the GPUs are strong and fast mine workers, the CPUs are more qualified, white-collar workers. The CPUs are perhaps more educated and knowledgeable, but GPUs are much more effective for mining.

How is MinedBlock Different From Cloud Mining?

With a cloud mining service, you usually purchase contracts for a particular hashrate for 5 years. With such an agreement, it will usually take you about 48 months to compensate your costs by leaving 1/5 of the contract requirement to make some profit. What many people don't consider is that you'll probably never make a real profit, unless the network challenge will increase at that time, that is, the price of Bitcoin is not dramatically increased.

There are different arrangements out there, for example, cloud mining administrations, yet they aren’t straightforward or financially savvy and MinedBlock means to change that. There have been various mining ICOs directed through 2017/2018 that offered an offer of digging income as an end-result of speculation however that haven’t led their token deal as a controlled Security Token Offering which builds the hazard to speculators.

MinedBlock ICO

Token: MBTX

Token Type: ERC20

Price: 1 MBTX = 0.15 USD

Buy with: BTC,

Buy with: LTC,

Buy with: ETH,

Buy with: BCH

Market Soft Cap: 1,000,000 USD

Market Hard Cap: 30,000,000 USD



Bounty0x Username: arifcakir13

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