Monday, May 13, 2019

[For Hire] Full-stack Laravel/PHP Developer

You know that old idiom, "If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys"? It's especially true when you're talking about web development. Sure, you could pay a student or a third-world developer peanuts to create your web app but:

What happens when a 3rd party API change completely breaks your app and they're nowhere to be found?

What happens when you want to update your app but find out the hip new framework they chose to build your app off of is now suddenly out of vogue?

What happens when the guy you hired doesn't know how to protect your app against SQL injection and hackers find a way to take over your server and turn it into a bitcoin mining operation?

You'll be in for a world of hurt. Don't do that. Hire me instead. I'll build your app right the first time using boring but proven technologies that are well-supported and easy to hire for (in the event I get hit by a bus but let's hope not).

Message me, I'll listen to your objectives, we'll make a plan together, and at the end I'll give you a no-BS, flat-rate quote.

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