Wednesday, May 29, 2019

History lesson: Where Bitcoin really started

A quick reminder of the chain of events behind the first appearance of Bitcoin in light of the slightly misleading information being upvoted in another forum where I am banned to comment.

It is true that the registration of the domain name precedes the announcement of Bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto (you can read about what happened when here for example). But claiming that Bitcoin "really started" on, that sounds like the site gained the center of attention right when he announced Bitcoin, doesn´t it?

As a younger person you might not remember that back then it was not as common as today to first create an internet presence, make it pretty with a big countdown ticker and spread everywhere that an announcement is awaiting on that internet site.

So it is not suprising that Satoshi first mentioned and announced his whitepaper about his peer-to-peer electronic cash system in the "Cryptography Mailing List" on the 31st of october 2008 and linked to the whitepaper that was uploaded to

While he was still using the cryptography mailing list, discussions about Bitcoin started on the project site and shortly after moved over to in November 2008 where he posted first on November 22nd.

Bitcoin started on the cryptography mailing list and the first public source for discussions with the inventor himself about Bitcoin became where literally all quotes from Satoshi you read today are originating from.

Have a nice day folks.

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