Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Question about security and Crypto

Hi everyone,

I just had a question that i hope someone could answer for me regarding wallets, specifically cold wallets.

So i have been investing and hodling for about 2 years now and i have everything on my ledger nano.

On my phone , i have an app, called blockfolio which i put in data to match my ledger nano so it can track it - without actually being connected.

On my computer i have ledger live - which is synced(i think?) with my Ledger nano and can send and receive(haven't tried but it has this option) - Therefore logically i assume it is synced with my Ledger. Hypothetically speaking, if someone had my password to my Ledger Live on my PC, they could send my crypto to a different wallet.

Is this correct?

Assuming this is correct, Should i remove ledger live from my PC?

Secondly, I have my 24 characters written down and stored in a safe place, and in the unfortunate event that my ledger nano dies, gets stolen, or gets broken, i can retrieve my bitcoin with my 24 characters.

Is this also correct?

Based on the information provided - if there are any other security measures i could take to secure my crypto, I'd love to hear it!


Is Ledger live safe? If i lose my nano cold wallet - can i retrieve my crypto with my 24 characters?

Thank you in advanced

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