Saturday, June 22, 2019

During an international debt jubilee, governments will attempt to "Ban Bitcoin"...

It's very important during said times we secure our private keys. Every single Satoshi will be invaluable. For a very short period of time, uncertainty will prevail. We are going to witness events on a global scale that many weren't ready for. Famine, war, assassinations, multidimensional-extraterrestrial-interventionists. What's most important is that we have a plan. Yes, our money will be safe in the cloud, but it won't mean shit if you're neighbor hasn't eaten in two weeks, and is raiding their neighbors fridges. Part of your plan should include being in a safe location, ideally around arable land you can cultivate. Corporate propaganda will be at an all time high. There will be no culture, as many chose a path of unfettered degeneracy. So who's left behind after they cancel each other out will be the responsible survivors. With our multi-generational wealth, we have to put it to good use. I also hate to break it to you, but the Asians, the intellectuals in the east, figured it out quicker than those in the West. Bitcoin derives its power in a "soft way". It just works. So that also means that many of the responsible survivors will be oriental in origin. Make peace with them, as they're going to bring to fruition the Bitcoin "utopia", FIRST. If you haven't already started accumulating Satoshi, I'd do so. While other projects, might seem tempting, and offer a shorter return, the risk is that your money will be on the wrong project, when Bitcoin is mooning. There eventually won't be a price for Bitcoin, and you need to be ready for that. Mentally, physically, and spiritually. While I've presented several likely scenarios, the future hasn't been written. It's up to us. You have to be exceptionally careful how you exercise your freedom. With unlimited freedom, comes unlimited responsibility. Scams like Bitconnect will resurface as Bitcoin reaches parabolic highs, and the promise of an easy return on your money, attracts people into "crypto". It's very important that we remain militant in our faith, and devotion to Bitcoin, exclusively. We need to educate new community members on the importance of private key security. We need to warn new members of potential scams (there are new one's every single day). As a "Bitcoiner" for the past several years, I'm a little bit battle-hardened, but that won't be the case for many people, especially when they come in for the first time. Long story short, Bitcoin is constantly being attacked. We're here because we believe in a better future for ourselves, than the ones handed down to us by our corporate war-mongering overlords. Bitcoin is the best tool at staving them off, and assuring a better future for ourselves. One predicated on peace, free markets, and free will, but in the same breath, I can't stress the importance of responsibly. Governments will fail. Currencies will fail. Bitcoin will survive them both, but it's up to us to actually create that future. It's not enough to be rich, you have to have a plan when you're rich. So before you stack up on some more Satoshi, have a plan. When you have enough Satoshi to make your dreams come true, that is moon.

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