Saturday, June 22, 2019

Reminder: It's Shuffle Saturday (weekend) !

Shuffle Saturday is a weekly event where Bitcoin Cash users can easily shuffle their coins using the brilliant CashShuffle technology! You can actually shuffle every day, but making it a weekly event gets more people into the habit and shuffling at the same time. That speeds up the shuffling for newcomers and helps improve all the participants' privacy.

Don't know anything about CashShuffle? Don't worry! - have a look here:

If you never tried it before, get the latest Electron Cash wallet and put a little amount of coins on a new wallet to try it out.

You can shuffle even very small amounts like 0.0001, so trying it out is basically risk free.

And you can shuffle much larger amounts safely as well.

So get started on raising your financial privacy level today!

If you still have questions, use this thread to ask!

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