Sunday, June 2, 2019

Snowblossom: A novel and eco-friendly approach at reinventing cryptocurrency

Read the following, and then read the disclaimer:

(Disclaimer: While Bitcoin no doubt consumes an enormous amount of electricity, the actual statistics on its energy consumption remain somewhat contested. See: I urge you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions. I consider myself an environmentalist, but was nonetheless forced to challenge some of my own assumptions about Bitcoin after reading the Medium article.

I wrote the following text before learning more about the somewhat dubious claims of Digiconomist's methods of collecting data. As it stands, however, the global Snowblossom network consumes only an estimated 1-3 MW of electricity, magnitudes less than Bitcoin).

The real redpill is that Bitcoin and other PoW cryptocurrencies are going to become unsustainable at some point, whether it be in 5, 10, 20, or 50 years from now. Snowblossom is a truly decentralized solution to this problem created by Joseph Gleason (aka "fireduck"), a seasoned developer who famously created Satoshidice back in the early days of Bitcoin. Utilizing I/O storage reads, Snowblossom requires a minimal amount of power and is genuinely ASIC resistant. It is therefore practically impervious to centralization by large scale mining operations. The goal of its creator is to keep mining at a hobbyist level, and as SSD storage technology (and RAM) becomes cheaper, more advanced, and more widely available, the appeal of Snowblossom will grow. It's also scalable, simple, and pre-designed with defenses against quantum attacks. fireduck is following NIST's post-quantum cryptography contest to better implement this technology into Snowblossom as it develops.

Seeing as this is /r/CryptoMoonShots, it should be noted that Snowblossom's marketcap is only slightly above $1 MM at present. It was also pumped and dumped last November, but the price has settled since then. There has definitely been some good accumulation going on.

A good metric I use when examining projects is asking myself, "What will this project be like in 10 years, and will society need it?" I see Snowblossom's long-term goals as exceptionally visionary and rare.

Andre Cronje (Fantom's lead developer) drafted a Medium article on Snowblossom. I wouldn't necessarily say he showered it with praise, but he pointed to how fundamentally sound its design is, which I think is telling:

The global nethash is going up and new miners are taking interest. A CLI wallet and Android wallet exist, and a new GUI client (preliminary name is IceLeaf) is also being developed. This project isn't discussed much and doesn't get a whole lot of love outside of its own community, but the bottom line is that it solves an array of problems that will only become increasingly more important as time goes on.

Snowblossom can be bought exclusively on ( )

More resources: (mining guide)

Check out the Discord and Slack as well.

This is definitely a project that has the chance to make a huge difference in the space, but it's up to others to help it grow.

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