Saturday, July 20, 2019

How do we cover our virtual tracks from potential future threats?

I'm just curious if anyone has some insight on how to hide any of your transactions with the intent on hodling.

(This is all hypothetical what ifs but I think it's smart to at least openly talk about the worst case scenarios in a world where there are people out there with more power then we realize)

I imagined what if it were to come down to Bitcoin and crypto in general being banned and being sent a bill for all transactions done on an exchange or having you're private data searched in an attempt to irradiate crypto.

Let's say I have purchased a few things here and there and they currently sit in a software wallet. Is there a way to make it look as if you sold any and all crypto in the event of a hypothetical "crypto search warrant"?

I have a HW wallet on the way and I'll be transfering my funds soon but should I take precautions and perform a few extra steps rather than just transfer it all to one single key?

My only thoughts right now are at some point I'd like to transfer all my funds to one coin, trade it p2p for a strong private coin in the near future and then trade that private coin p2p back into the coins I'd like to hodl for the future?

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