Thursday, July 4, 2019

NESTREE — Advanced, Reward-based Community Messenger

NESTREE — Advanced, Reward-based Community Messenger

Current Context

Everyone using the phone uses messaging app. There are free messaging apps but users have to watch ads and get nothing when using those apps even if using the network sms they have to pay fee.

Messaging app is more than just texting, users need more than that, it has many communities you like to discussions, and can buy, sell and pay anything you want.

There are currently a number of popular messaging applications, but they still have difficult issues like:

  • Miss important information: when you join a group with a number of members up to several thousand even hundreds of thousands of people. it is often and unfortunate that you miss important messages.
  • It is difficult to attract new users to your group: it requires you to spend a significant amount of money to attract new users to the group.
  • Lack of business models: there are few ways for users to make money.

What is Nestree ?

Nestree is a new economic ecosystem built on the rewards mechanism integrated with blockchain technology. Nestree uses EGG token to reward and encourage interaction between users, group channel administrators and advertisers.

The outstanding features of Nestree

  • Discover Communities: You can easily see the list of favorite communities in the Discover category, you can see preliminary information about adding any community quickly. Admin can provide a lot of information for channel members.

  • Users receive rewards: You can receive rewards (token EGG) from chanel by: inviting your friends to join the channel through the referral link and watching the ad in the channel

Nestree is wallet

You can store a lot of cryptocurrency like bitcoin, ethereum, eos and other types of token built on ERC 20 in Nestree app. You can send to friends or trade inside the wallet easily and quickly.

How does the token EGG work?

Token EGG can be traded and exchange inside the app

There are 3 groups of people operating in EGG’s economic model

  • Channel Manager: they will need to buy EGG to reward members and if they want their channel to be on the top discover they have to pay with EGG.
  • User: get EGG bonuses through donations such as inviting friends or watching ads. If a user wants to enter a group that loses a fee, they must pay with EGG.
  • Advertiser: they want to advertise in the channel, they must pay EGG for the channel.

Token Distribution


With many features and leading the way to pay rewards to users along with business models in their ecosystems. Nestree promises to be a giant of messaging applications in the near future.

More information is here:

Website :

ANN bitcointalk thread:

Telegram :

Reddit :

Facebook :

Chatroom :

Link download app:



Author’s infomation:

Username Bitcointalk: tallylove

URL profile Bitcointalk:;u=1252517

Adress EGG on Nestree App: 0xf63f34293cdCD8659C75A0e11C2d2Ff0575177cB

ID on Nestree app: @C6190294

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