Friday, August 30, 2019

Perspective From the Outside/My First Steem Related Experience

Hi, thought you guys might like to see a perspective from the outside that comes from me. Prior to today I never once heard of this Steem thing, but I know about various other coins, so I think I understand cryptocurrency as a concept. What I don't understand is why it is seemingly so inaccessible.

To give some background, I was playing a game called OGame, but I didn't enjoy how P2W it was, so I looked for some alternatives. Two alternatives I found were games called Steemnova and NextColony, but each require something called, "Steemconnect," to operate as it apparently utilities it for user accounts/verification. Uh, okay I think, and I try to investigate and make an account because I really do want to play the game. Surface level attempts results in the following discoveries... is apparently broken and reportedly requires money to make an account, but I have no idea as I can't access it to confirm requires an account to create an account and also requires money to make an account(???)
And I'm surely not going to download any, "Desktop app," for this shady af thing, but I did try a browser extension for Steemconnect which also goes no where as there's no apparent registration method or guide.

So I'm sitting here thinking how the heck am I supposed to play these games? Is it all just a scam? I mean everything requires money just to make an account, which I wouldn't mind if it was at least upfront about it, but I'm only informed about this at the last minute. I investigate Steem more, which isn't easy because I just keep getting links for Steam (Terrible brand name on Steem's part really as Steam is a far better and more popular product,) but I get absolutely no where except a few low view count blogs saying how great Steem is and how it's the next big Bitcoin... Man, where have I read that before? Oh yeah, blogs for basically every other coin in existence. I do find a few hastily constructed and uninformative guides that read more like product brochures than actual guides. Needless to say, I eventually give up as I get nowhere fast.

It's my conclusion that if you guys want Steem to be popular, it must first be renamed and made far FAR more approachable as if someone like me who is motivated to understand and use it is unable to do so, you've messed up. Additionally, if you want to kill a game's potential, make it as difficult as possible to start playing like SteemNova and NextColony does by making it nearly impossible to signup. Seriously if the games were on Steam for $10 I'd be playing them right now but instead they're on Steem and are effectively inaccessible, lol.

I expect downvotes, despite my good intentions, so I wish to address these a little now. Do you really think you're being helpful by doing so? I know criticism of your favorite thingy is hard to read, but it's useful to understand even if I'm wrong, and I took the time to give you guys my thoughts and perspective when others probably brushed Steem off after the first Google search to understand it. And I know Steem likely wasn't created just for Steemconnect or whatever, but it's obviously a vector for new users such as myself, and what could have been a new community member and user of Steem is instead just a passerby because of how unusable the system is. Just a thought.

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