Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Protip for increasing trader sales amount for loyalty levels

TL;DR: there's a way to get each trader requirement up to ll4(~2.5mil rubles traded) for less than losing 150k in average, along with getting around 0.8~1.0 point of flea market rep.

When i was first starting out, I had a lot of problem with trader loyalty levels because of trade amount restrictions.
Selling stuff to traders cheaply instead of the flea market just to get over the sales amount requirement was annoying as hell. There were exactly 0 sane guides I could find aside from "buy this, sell it back for a 50% loss" on the net. I hereby share with the future newbies the cheapest/fastest way to increase sales amount with traders.

  • Mechanic: at ll1, you can buy wifi cameras which are quest requirements in steady demand. Buy 80 of these, sell them back on flea market for 10 rubles cheap. You'll lose around 90k~150k including taxes, but you'll have flea market progress and it's way cheaper than selling guns/attachments to mechanic.

  • Prapor: at ll1, you can buy the IR marker which is needed for quests. Buy around 200 of these, bulk sell them on flea and you'll be set yet again. You'll lose around 90k~150k this time too, which is way better than other methods.

  • Therapist: She's the easiest one. Choose from the following: buy bitcoins and other valuables from flea market to sell to her immediately after. Most flea market rates for valuables, especially bitcoin, almost always is same or even hundred rubles cheaper than what therapist gives you for it. Or buy AI-2s or painkillers to sell on market for 10 rubles cheaper. Or on ll2, buy labs keycards and then sell them for market price(way higher than therapist purchase price).

  • Skier: on ll1, you can buy the multitool to do the same. I'll skip the details now. X400 Flashlights also work VERY well since people buy them well for even 1 rubles cheaper.

  • Ragman: At ll1 you can buy the cheapest headset. These are always in demand, so again, sell in bulk for 10 rubles cheaper each. You'll be there in no time.

  • Peacekeeper: perhaps even easier than therapist. At ll1 you can buy dollars. Buy 32000 dollars, sell them for 1 ruble cheaper than peacekeeper rates. It will all sell out within 30 seconds, guaranteed.

Let me know if I missed anything(like if the items mentioned above is locked behind questlines).
Of course, like all free markets, the more people are doing this, the cheaper you'll have to post it in order to be sold. Quest items are not infinitely in demand, after all. In those cases, look for attachments/ammo that have almost the same market price as merchant purchase price. Headsets, per cycle quantity-limited gear, popular attachments that aren't common as an in-raid spawn work nicely.

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