Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How The “Simple Match” Event Works On ExcitePrice.com


ExcitePrice is a new entertainment trading platform, that allows users to open short or long trades against the platform with various amounts of price multiplication. The price multiplication acts similar to synthetic leverage so a small change in the price of an asset will have a big change in payout.

To get more familiar with the platform, check out exciteprice.com. In this post we will explain the concept of the Simple Match market:

Simple Match

The Simple Match event is the most basic event offered by ExcitePrice. This event is great for traders trying out the platform for the first time. The event enables traders to go long or short with leverage. The payout is capped at 50% profit, and the upside is discounted by 50%. This event does not have a liquidation price and carries a fixed contract duration. Once you enter the event it will stay open until the expiration, when the exit price is determined.

For example, a trader enters long BTC with $1000, when Bitcoin is $8,000 with leverage of 100X. The trader has entered into a 1-hour market, meaning that in one hour the platform will get the new price of Bitcoin and determine if the trader will earn or lose money. In our example, an hour goes by and Bitcoin increases to a new price of $8,100. This means, Bitcoin has appeached by 1.25%. The trader’s position in this case would increase in value from $1000, to $1500, a 50% gain. If you apply the traders 100X leverage to a 1.25% increase it would mean a gain of 125%, however because the Simple Match event has Maximum Upside Potential capped at 50%, the trader would be given a 50% return.


ExcitePrice is a decentralized app built with new technology that involves certain risks, which should be fully understood before accessing the product. This post is not intended for US persons, people in blocked countries ExcitePrice chooses not to allow access to, or anyone under the age of 18.


The ExcitePrice Team

Application: https://exciteprice.com/market/BTC

Landing Page: https://exciteprice.com/home

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