Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Secure Container Megathread

Note: I will update this later, but I should really go to bed now. Stay tuned!

So, I've seen a few threads here and there discussing the secure container changes. Quite a few opinions have been scattered here and there, and I suppose I just wanted to collect them all into one thread whilst building upon it also. I suppose a bit of data analysis would be good as well.

To begin with, a good friend of mine created a poll on the secure container changes, the results of which you can find here. From the results, we can infer that the general consensus of the two-hundred or so people that voted is that the full restrictions as demonstrated in the pre-wipe event are preferred, however a close second was that all containers have rescrictions similar to the Kappa container.

I suppose I would like to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each option as found throughout the various threads on this subreddit.

  1. Full Restrictions

To begin with, possibly the most controversial topic so far; fully restricting the secure containers to items the player has from before the raid begins. Now, don't get me wrong, everybody will have their personal preferences, whether they like games to be more arcade-like or extreme simulation, personally I like it towards the simulation side, but I don't really mind.


  • If you eliminate an enemy, you reap the full benefits of what they looted throughout the raid
  • People's playstyles are going to dramatically change if they find a rare item, adds an interesting element of gameplay
    • The most aggressive player ever might decide to go and camp in a corner if he finds a red keycard, bitcoin, etc.
  • It will mostly eliminate the annoying "Hatchet-runner" playstyle that some choose
  • If you need gear/money, it would promote usage of the scav-player rather than just bringing in a hatchet. The scavs are there for a reason
  • Wallets actually have a good place in the secure container, such as bringing money to extract at some spots (something I don't see too often)
  • People will actually bring in more gear to protect themselves in case they find something rare


  • Obviously, people are going to get salty about losing rare stuff.
  • It makes the game a lot more survival-based, which the more casual/arcade community may not like
  • There are other ways to combat hatcher-runners, such as completely randomizing the loot tables for every spawn spot in the game
    • For example, not having the specific blue barrel spawn red keycard 1/300 times or something.
    • Makes it more difficult to farm one specific spot over and over again

My Opinion

Personally I like this idea the most, sorry to you casual players, but bringing in a few items that are almost essential to your survival sounds appealing. Such as a grizzly medkit and painkillers.

My apologies, I ran out of time to write any more, will put some more stuff on here tomorrow.

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