Saturday, November 9, 2019

Reddit is perfect for radicalizing Americans

I have been using Reddit since 2010. There is a dramatic user group shift. Reddit used to be a place for young internet geeks full of curiosity and open minds. In the early stage of Reddit, people talked about how to start business, bitcoins, video games, etc. People were in general right wing libertarians, which I identified myself as in the past. Ever since Reddit became mainstream in the US, the quality of users plummeted.

Just like Facebook, when a place transit from a small elite group to a mass friendly group, the website becomes increasingly toxic and idiotic. However, I found Reddit become more useful than what it used to be, in the sense that this is the perfect place to shape public opinions and bring chaos.

What opened my eyes was the Boston Marathon bombing incident, and Reddit's false witch hunt against Sunil Tripathi, who later committed suicide. This case, while being tragedy, was beautiful to me in its own merit. Think about this, you can actually kill someone without being charged murder simply by leaving a conspiracy you made up. How is this not beautiful?

People who do not realize the value of Reddit for shaping public opinions are idiots. I'm not going to waste time explaining why the most Reddit active cities in the US includes a town of US military base in the middle of nowhere of the Southwest. Hint: It's not because military members love Reddit.

To be honest, I have always enjoyed watching people fight each other for nonsense. There were reasons the Colosseum was so important in ancient Rome - it was genuinely entertaining. I have spent years spreading messages of far left and far right on various subs, with 8 digit karma in total. Look at how extreme subs like politics are.

The party is not just US military, intelligence, and me. Politicians have long been hiring people posting articles on Reddit. ShareBlue, CorrectTheRecord, Trump Campaign, etc. all have their own arms here. There are also massive number of foreigners like me who are actively helping Americans hate each other.

You cannot imagine the joy I got from Trump's election. It was tens of thousands of posts, comments, and millions of karma, in both mainstream political subs and small local town subs. A small town in Florida and North Carolina can legitimately determine who becomes US president. Eventually with everybody's hard work, a person should never be president become the US president!

More and more players have joined the party recently. Calling for genocide on bad "races" such as Arabs and Chinese seem to be fairly acceptable on Reddit now. Every time I see comments like "nuke the Chinese" get hundreds of upvotes, I feel satisfied. Although a lot of these comments was made by me previously, recently they are posted as genuine comments.

El Paso shooting was another beautiful event motivated by the rising extremism in the US. People on Reddit don't seem to realize they are the problem. Be prepared to get worse!

Zombies don't have to think, they only have to hate and fight. Places filled with nonwhite minorities are now in full-hate mode against whites. Blackfellas, Aznidentity, etc. and other predominately nonwhite subs all hate whites, yet whites still feel good about themselves blaming nonwhites for everything on mainstream subs. Hope this white-nonwhite divide grows further, as the number of nonwhites increases their power should increase as well.

Internet is not just a place for jerking. People filled with extreme thoughts will act in an extreme way. We shall see an interesting future for America. What we can do as individuals is spreading and amplifying these extremisms for Americans, and then watch them fight.

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