Saturday, November 23, 2019

[TASK] Need Simple Web Application (9 formatted CSVs Graphed) $20

I have 9 formatted CSV files. They are in uniform formatted columns called "Date" (m/d/y DateTime Formatted String), "Value" (#). These all must be graphed on the same graph in line plots. Then there should be 9 toggle buttons down below. These toggle each of the above datasets whether or not they show on the graph. They all default to false. See this link for what I want it to look like. One page.

Use any tools you want. I would suggest using React with this visualization tool, called Victory. See second example down on the link, imagine that with 9 individual lines. I would also suggest using d3 to load the csv files that will be in the same folder as the main.js.

See this tutorial for an example of reading CSV and outputting to the linked vis tool (Victory). Finally, use any button library or built in libraries to toggles whether or not the graph shows the given data set.

I will pay 20 dollars for this task either on venmo, paypal, apple pay, or Lumen XLM (I can hot swap to Bitcoin if you prefer). Please let me know.

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