Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The LIES of Chris Rabalais and AllSportsMarket


A) This is a work in progress. (trying to make this neater and add things that people post)

B) Any corrections please send a message and reference the lie number

C) If you'd like me to add a lie, PLEASE make a post in this thread! Include something like ADD THIS LIE and make a short description

d) ASM /Allsportsmarket / the company means all of the proxies and identities of CWH , NSEI, Sportshares.net etc


A while back, Chris claimed people on reddit were lying and that he would respond "point by point" to any "lies" told by redditors. I have begun to compile a list of all of Chris' lies.

To Chris Rabalais / Allsportsmarket.com : You are more than welcome to respond "point by point". Please include a lie number...and respond and explain how it isn't a lie....


Lies of Chris Rabalais

1) This would be an investment

He has always claimed this was an investment, and still does. He calims you will get a return...yet from the otherside of his mouth, he makes sure to mention that this is a "donation." Not one of us would have donated to him without the chance of a return / profit. None of us. This was a donation....to Chris Rabalais...NOT an investment.

2) Investors into ASM would get a return on their investment -- profit from it

He is still promising people a return...many people show a 'profit' on their account statement but are unable to cash out. Unable to withdraw etc...Chances are, If you have amde a "profit" from this on paper, you cannot withdraw it.

3) He was in the process of registering the company shares with the SEC

The SEC has stated point blank he has taken NO STEPS to register the company shares. It is in the complaint.

4) The company shares were ABOUT to be registered, and once they did...they would have even more value and we would miss out unless we bought in

Not only did he say it was in process, he claimed amny times they were very close to getting the sdhares registeredand when they did, they would have more value..and we would be sorry if we didnt jump in on this "rocketship".

5) Chris knows how to get the shares registered with the SEC or has any clue what he is doing in terms of registering the shares

According to the SEC , Chris Rabalais has no idea HOW to ven get the shares registered...and that is in their complait as well. Meanwhile for years chris was claiming he knew what do do to get the shares registered.

6) "This may be the last chance to jump on this great opportunity"

How many times have we all heard this lie? This or that program is ending....youll never get another chance at giving money to Chris Rabalais again...but then shockingly...theres another even better offer in a couple days/weeks...

7) If you don't give X amount of money right now , the lights might suddenly go out on ASM..and youll lose your "investment"

Another lie thjey tell is that if you don't give money, they will go out of business and you will "lose your investment".Bullcrap,theyre not shutting off their free money machine....until someone MAKES them. Oh and yo have no investment. Two lies for the price of one.

8) This is not a ponzi scheme

Chris has addressed the ponzi issue only VERY briefly over the years. He recently claimed it isn't a ponzi because the "last guy in can still make money" but that would require MONEY coming in from others...so he gets around the truth by omitting that its not the "guy" its the "last money in " which is nearly the same thing... the people who put their money in last will lose....that is a ponzi. The Judge in the seth leon case said so...and I hope another judge says so soon.

9) The sports shares have value

Chris claims they have value because they area "claim on future dividends" which is a lie. That is not any defintion of real or intrinsic value...and even if it was (it isnt) the claim on future dividends is a LIE because evcery penny of that future dividend money relies on new money coming into the market...which is a ponzi.

10) You would be able to cash out (sell your holdings, pay off your bonus margin and keep your profits)

He changed the rules when the market started imploding. For years he promised investors they could sell their shares, pay off our margin and take our profits. No one wouldve bought in if they thought they could never do this. Even after he froze people's ability to cash out...he kept claiming that we would be able to soon...and urged people to buy more margin because all of the profits would be able to be kept.

11) Chris would stop selling margin

Recently, there was a conference call where key members of the team called for an end to the margin offers..NOT because they were a scam (they are) but because it was no longer possible to ignore the implosion of the pilot market and the collapse was being blamed on margin....Chris agreed to end margin and made announcements to this end. In a short time, he realized that promising people money on margin profit was his only revenue...so he HAD to start selling margin again...He knows it is worthless, promised to stop selling it....and lied.

12) Different celebrities, politicians, buisiness people were about to come on board and help us

Roger goddell, SNoop Dogg, Brian Austin Green, Trump (speaker at zero club), Labron James, meetings with MLB people...god knows how many other names this guy drops as potential people who are going to help orwho we are 'reaching out' to in order to get them to help us.

13) we would have a "liquidity event" and be able to make money off of our company shares

There was going to be some liquidity event where we could sell our company shares to other investors...

14) The new york times ad was going to be about ASM or helping our investment

There was NO MENTION of ASM or AllSportsMarket in the new york times ad and it didn't do a single thing to help ASM become a legitimate company. The only thing it did (from memory) was bash gambling.

15) The trips to Israel, funded by the investors, were something worthy of doing with the money...

Chris bragged and posted pictures of his trips to Israel...but what did they have to do with ASM? How was spending "donations" (investments) for him to go to Israel supposed to help the company?

16) the Hero club events he goes to (more travel) help ASM in any way whatsoever

I have never seen any evidence that spending who knows how much of the investors' money has been wasted on this,yet chris continues to act as if his membership in the Hero Club is a wise way to spend money...

17) donating to ASM is helping anyone or doing anything other than putting money in HIS pocket...

Quite simply, Chris "donates" 10% of the money given him, if we are to believe that. So He as given (according to hom) 150k to a hunger charity. They jhave (according to Chris) matches this 7x, so the 150k donation has turned into a millionish dollars worth of charity. Sounds good right? Well in doing so, Chris has just wasted 90% of the money. Instead of 150k, had we all simply given our 1.5 million to this same charity....and they matched it 7x...we would have turned our money into 10+ million dollars for charity. So essentially, even by Chris' own numbers...we have wasted 9 million dollars of potential charity....by paying Chris's rent..cars etc.. all so that he can take 90% and give 10% to charity....

18) The ASM 'real market' was a real money market

Chris started the real market to fool us into thinking it was actual money. He later then chamged the name to "pilot market" after taking people's REAL money..so he could have the excuse "HEY this is a PILOT market!!!" when you cant withdraw...

19) the ASM pilot market was going to transition with your holdings to a 'regulated' or 'exempt market' and you would be able to keep your profit from the pilot market

So it has been promised to us that the pilot (which was the real market) market will transition to another market..where.....where youll STILL be able to keep your profits...so..guys..KEEP BUYING BONUS MARGIN lol....

20) If there is a good enough plan, Chris will happily step down in January 2020 and let someone else change the direction of the "company"

Chris claims "give him till december" and if no one is happy he will step aside if thats what everyone wants...IF there is a plan he likes..LOL

21) The pilot market is working

He has claimed the pilot market is working and proves that ASM is functional...yet the market has collapsed and he hasd frozen everyone's accounts from withdrawing..or paying off margin..etc...

22) The learning market is working and proves that the math and numbers are correct and functional

Claims have been made the learning market is working..LOL...anyone who has touched the learning market knows it is completely dysfunctional.

23) Bonus margin has some sort of value other than to put money in his pocket

He claims bonus margin has value. It doesn't. Its worthless. If he tries to deny this..ask him why he is selling it ifit has no value? Ask him how he plans on turning something with 0 value into something with value. This is the core of his scam right now..selling WORTHLESS bonus margin with no value for real money...

24) Chris "had alper" double check the math in 2009 , and the market math is fine..

Oh god...so in one of the videos, Chris claims he had Alper check the math in 2009 and alper told hiim the numbers work. This is such utter horseshit, and mainly designed to deflect responsibilty for the failure of the market..so he can bame it on ALper. Chris knows the math doesnt work. Alper knows the math doesnt work..and Alper & Chris know that margin is worthless.

25) special clubs like "ASM Black", "Insider programs", "Advisory Councils" etc etc are anything other than him trying to get even more money out of your pocket

All of these programs are just designed to get you to give them more oney..there is no benefit to them. The insider program just basically stopped people from being able to withdraw sooner....who knows what ASM black was..and this advisory council...what was that? Give chris 100$ to listen to more youtube rants? Ok...whatever new club or council they will come up with next is a bunch of crap designed to make you feel special as you give them your hard earned money.

26) The NDA he sent via email before spamming you with more ads is legally binding

We all know the NDA he sent via e-mail was worthless..it was hillarious.....and unenforcebale....

27) They would provide us with financial documents / audit / detailed information at the end of October 2019

Yeah so will we ever get to see the "audit" ? Doubt it...

28) The SEC filing suit against him could be viewed as a positive in some ways

I forget how he worded it but he basically claimed the SEC suit was some sort of oppprtunity for something positive for him. The one positive thing I can think of is it stopped him from getting more money from suckers...

29) He didnt "really" lose the case against Seth Leon

He made all kinds of excuses and claims the only reason he lost against Seth Leon is because Seth Leon sent the papers to an old address....LOL

30) It was Trump's fault (Govt shutdown) that he didnt get paperwork done with the SEC

LOL...I hope this is what he tells the Judge

31) It was Jason's fault that "a letter" wasn't sent to the SEC regarding the NRHL

Blame it on a guy who doesn't work for the company any more...

32) It is alper's fault the math/numbers don't work because Chris asked alper to "check the numbers" in 2009

Blame this on Alper.....when he has known for YEARS the numbers do not work

33) there were "sabateurs" who tried to wreck the "deal" with NRHL, who came from reddit..*but luckily they saved the deal!

Remember the sabateurs? remember how they "saved" the deal with the NRHL? Remember how the NRHL was going to be huge for ASM? Yeah none of these things were true....MAYBE a guy (gregson?) tried to cntact the NRHL to find out if they were evcen real.. but NO ONE thought the NRHL was going to be a good thing..and NO ONE wanted to transition their money to a market led by roller derby..because it was and is a stupid idea.

34) There were lawyers (zero club? friends?) who were going to help with the SEC defense for free Chris had an army of lawyers, some of the best in the country and who had never lost...but yet he had to beg the court for a free lawyer because he can't get a lawyer to represent him...LOL

35) "secured by blockchain" - Chris claims this tech is in use now but what is it exactly other than bullshit?

On one of his latest videos he claims the blockchain technology is protecting the ASM market right now...BS. There is no technology. There hasn't been anything said about what this even is or does. Ace hasn't even been heard from since around AUgust has he? They can't even get an android app...the blockchain bullshit is just more jargon and buzzwords...trying to get you to give them money...there is nothing behind this "secured by blockchain" trademark.

36) Chris is going to countersue the SEC and prove that he is a legitimate buisiness

LOL.. with his free lawyer?

37) All cryptocurrencies are a SCAM

Notice he screams and cries FRAUD at many things, but he is a fraud himself. Typical tactic...accuse others of what you are doing.Also, there is some real value in some cryptos, like bitcoin...unlike a sports share on ASM. Its called 'proof of work' ...that has real value that can even be measured..by electricity use, processing power etc...I am not arguing it has a lot of value, or even that it is as valuable as the price....but it is above zero, unlike a share in a sports team on ASM. I'm also not an expert nor to I condone investing in crypto...

38) Gambling is more of a problem than ASM / NSEI

Again, he screams and cries about how dirty Gambling is...but at least legal gambling is regulated, and you have a chance to win. Unlike ASM...

39) They were working on an Android app , and needed donations for it

One of the reasons I donated early on was because of seeing the IOS app, and the promises of making an android app.In fairness this might not have been a lie....but if theyre not going to make an android app , then say so.

41) They lied by omission and did not tell investors about the SEC suit until August 2019

So someone else came and announced the SEC lawsuit on the reddit forum in August 2019. There is some strong evidence that Chris knew about this in April 2019 or even earlier like maybe Oct 2018.

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