Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What the point of weather data on BSV?

Or what's the point of other data on BSV? I see that question asked all the time, and it's very easy to dismiss it as a gimmick.

How about micro-transactions with small amounts of data attached?

Bitcoin should just be a store of value! Or Bitcoin should just be money! Or something. The reality is it's not going to be either of those things without first being a medium for exchanging data.

I'm not going to reveal where I work (except to say it's a large multi-national tech company), but I just watched a keynote presentation from a recent tech conference, by a CEO, in the context of "smart cities". Things mentioned in this keynote were...

  1. Big data.
  2. Artificial intelligence / analytics (of that big data).
  3. Micro-transactions.
  4. The need for an integrated fintech layer.
  5. The need for a "secure cloud".
  6. The idea of public data sets for data like weather data, traffic data, air quality data, event data.

Expanding on the weather data idea, the context of this is for use in systems that provide predictions and risk assessments in other various specific contexts. i.e., analysis of large data sets, coupled with predictive models, leading to better outcomes and risk management in a specific context. You can't do this stuff unless the data is available. And all of a sudden the provenance of the data becomes important too.

The specific field in which I work also has a demand for accurate historical public weather data.

I can understand how "traditional" crypto people see what's going on in BSV and can't make heads nor tails of it and think it's some kind of abomination, but if you were able to see the kind of stuff I see on a daily basis, and the kinds of problems being tackled, I can say that BSV is very closely aligned with the future direction of the tech industry as a whole.

I more or less had the feeling that this is where BSV was heading and why, all the way back when I originally became interested (back then the signals were a bit mixed because it was still BCH). At the time I was unsure, but now I know that BSV splitting off from BCH was the absolute best thing that could have happened. It's easy to see why many people don't yet get it, but I have the feeling that eventually they will...

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