Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Possible Wellington Scam?

I’ve been going to meetups recently via the meetup website and WYP events. I’ve had countless overly friendly individuals try to promote a “mentoring scheme” to myself and a few people I’ve met. These people all tend to say that they like to surround themselves with “sharp” people, asking what your ideal life would be if you didn’t have to worry about money, etc. They then proceed to say that they’re getting mentored by a couple which will let them retire by the time they’re 30 via passive income. When asked what exactly they sell, they don’t exactly say what it is but that it is to do with the internet (it isn’t bitcoin/crypto). They always end the conversation with an add on Facebook or a text with a promise to catch up for coffee.
After looking into this further it has lead me to a couple called Jono and Kirsty Rowe (
I’m not interested in this at all, I’m just trying to make others aware of a possible common scam in Wellington and wondering if anyone else has heard of this.


  1. I would say be very wary. I have just had an online meeting with them. They appear legi and have four kids and a nice house etc. But work off "leveraging companies". After doing a bit of google research it appears they are involved in Alive church. People join and go to seminars in Melbourne which I assume cost money, which is how they got their nice house and don't have to work. . .
    Avoid at all cost please. It is only through being sucked into two similar things I have learnt the hard way. If someone is not upfront about what they do in the first meeting, it's a crock of shit and you will be very sorry you didn't ask more questions. They say you could retire in 5 years, of course everyone has that dream . . . praying on the weak. Or should I say PREYING?

  2. I'm wondering if Jono Rowe is the son of Robert Rowe who I also found out was convicted of being part of a pyramid scheme (Fastrak 90) in 2011. Promising poor unassuming people a big payout for $10,000. Is this where Jono Rowe received his mentoring? I would welcome being enlightened on this matter.

  3. Hi my friend has talked about these people and just a bit concerned about what he is getting into , I come from an economics background and know this is dodgy
