Monday, December 30, 2019

Weekly “Help Me FIJerk!” thread. Post your detailed information for vague sneering advice. - December 30, 2019

Want to make more money? Sure, we all do!

Post your detailed personal “case study” and ask as many questions as you like, or help others who’ve done the same. Not sure if your questions pertain? Post them anyway…you might be surprised how many people are losers just like you.

It’ll be helpful to use our suggested format. Simply copy/paste/fill in/etc. But since everybody’s situation is different, as you can tell because everyone has to post "why'd VTSAX go down" instead of using search, feel free to tailor your layout to your needs.

-Introduce yourself

-Age / Sex / Location

-General pathetic life goals

-Target FIRE Age / Amount / Withdrawal Rate / Location / Spouse Hotness

-Educational background and plans (including name of school if it's top 10)

-Career situation and plans (only FAANG employees, everyone else is a loser)

-Current and future income breakdown, including one-time events and bitcoin holdings

-Budget breakdown

-Asset breakdown, including home, cars, lentils, etc.

-Debt breakdown, including home, cars, lentils, etc.

-Health concerns including any STDs

-Family: current situation / future spawn plans / special needs / elderly parents / upcoming divorce from golddigging spouse who wants to live life while they are still young instead of waiting until they are 80

-Other info


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