Saturday, January 25, 2020

The flea market timer did fix something, but maybe not what you think.

So I've traded on the flea market for a while using the clock adjustment trick. I've made quite a bit of money, but not huge amounts. Just enough that I, as a new player, don't really have to worry about being profitable regularly (I've got 18m rubles at the moment, my all time high).

Now that the 60 second Flea Market timer is gone, I don't trade for profit at all anymore except the opportunistic Item I see here and there, but I now just buy out just like anyone else. The flea market timer change is HUGE and a great thing, but probably not for why you think. Let me preface this by stating I do not believe bots are a problem. I've never botted, and I've been able to win a huge percentage of the things I tried to buy out. Had there even been one or two well programmed bots, I as a puny human would have had absolutely no chance. The reason you don't see any crazy deals now isn't because bots buy them all up, it's because people now price their items correctly because the 60 second timer would artificially lower prices. But then it only benefited people like me.

Let me explain like this, with my good friend the Corrugated Hose. Corrugated hose sells for between 40k and 45k. Pretty much always (twitch event notwithstanding). If you put a Corrugated hose up for 40k it will sell within 10 minutes 100% of the time. I know this, and I know the listing fee for corrugates hose is only about 2k so I'd typically buy it at 35k or less because it's an easy flip. The problem with the 60 second timer is that people don't realize that the 40k instant sell price is there. You could list at 40k and it will instant sell, you can list for 35k, or 30k, or 20k and every one of those price points will be an instant sell. If someone lists for 35k and you're researching to sell your hose, you might list for 32k to undercut that guy even though he's still on the 60 second timer. The next guy coming along sees your listing for 32k (still on 60 second timer) and lists hist for 28k. This causes these waves in ultra-cheap items on the market that people don't even realize they are drastically underselling their items for. And here's the thing: Myself and others who tweaked clocks will pick up every single one of them because the regular player is 2 seconds behind.

I took this picture here just about a week ago maybe. Every single person selling in that screenshot is cutting themselves out of 50% profit because they don't realize that corrugated hose is actually a 40k instant sell. They're just just trying to undercut eachother. This rule goes for pretty much all high-volume items. Corrugated Hose, Paracord, Graphics Cards, all of them would get these crazy waves every few minutes or so of people just undercutting eachother to their own detriment and resellers just scooping up the easy profit. This flea market change has problems (you should still have the 60 second timer, but hidden from others so you can correct mistakes), but overall it's a great thing because people are now actually getting what their items are worth and not artificially bidding each other down.

Sorry for the long winded post, but if you've made it this far I've got one other bit of trading information that it's shocking so many people don't know: Sell your bitcoins to Therapist! ALL The time I see people selling bitcoins on flea for UNDER what Therapist buys them for. Her price varies, usually 125-135k, but the market tracks this typically. If you're undercutting people to sell your bitcoins, you can probably just sell them to Therapist for more. No joke I've seen people selling 10 or 20 bitcoins for 10k each under Therapists buy-price. I'd nab those up right away since it's a guaranteed profit. No need to even re-up on the flea, just sell them right to her for 10k profit a pop.

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