Friday, January 10, 2020

To the Moderators...

Many people flock over to this subreddit after the discovering the enormous breaches of privacy in their technology and their life. They want to do away with it, and become independent from the evil clutches of Google, Facebook, Microsoft…However, most of these people don’t understand how the technology behind the software captures their data. It is not their fault, and they are probably interested in reading more about topics such as VPNs, Tor, Linux, and other topics as well that are associated with internet and OS security. I believe it would be helpful to have a few guides from other websites that might answer theses redundant questions:

  1. Why Privacy Matters?
  2. What are the benefits and drawbacks of using Protonmail vs creating your own email server?
  3. How to make my internet-browsing on my smartphone as private and secure as possible?
  4. What is the benefit of free and open source software vs proprietary software?
  5. What is the benefit of using cash or Bitcoin vs. your credit or debit cards?
  6. Which is better VPN or using a DNS over HTTPS server?

The list goes on and on, but it would be helpful to answer redundant questions that people simply want a quick answer to, instead of carrying them into long reddit threads.

There are many articles on ProPrivacy, ArsTechnica, and Lifewire which all address these topics. You could simply input the link and write a brief, but concise, summary of the link. If anybody asks for commercial advice, simply ask them to head over to However, doesn’t have a review regarding specific apps, but that is where the expertise of the redditors can fill in?

I believe the more recommended guides that this subreddit has regarding security and privacy, it will allow the discussion to be cleared up. This will also be helpful to people here who simply want to know how to make themselves more secure.

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