Friday, January 24, 2020

What if the coronavirus is not just a disease..

What if the coronavirus isn't just a disease?

What do I mean?

Well of course we can speculate all we want on whether it is man made or natural, whether it is being weaponized and spread on purpose, and what the actually mortality rate / age target of that mortality is.

But if it is man made - what if it is not JUST a culling as other have suggested?

We have to look at the bigger picture. What could this event be smoke screening? What could be the secondary goal of this if it is man made?

Here is my theory - the Georgia guidestones state that we need a max population of 500 million, obviously it is easier to control..

Well how do you control people?


We know that the globalist governments want to implement a one world currency, and remove cash from existence to better control the people with traceable digital only currency. Older people don't generally support digital currency. They prefer hard assets and cash. Most older generations cannot even conceptualize the existence of bitcoin. I am of the belief that Bitcoin and crypto in general is a globalist creation - rather then forcing a new one world currency, they have let us adopt it on our own time when we see it's value going up like no other commodity on the planet.

What if this disease is not just the beginning of an attempt to just remove cash from society, but to remove the generation who will not support the use of a digital only currency...

One of the fastest ways for germs and disease to spread is cash money. How easy would it be to blame the spread of the disease on physical surface survival and transfer because of cash, rather then just airborne transfer?

How quickly would people be surrendering their cash to banks to be credited and sent to a blast furnace if they are fed the story that cash will become unusable during an epidemic, and those people will be afraid of cash loosing its value due to this.

We need to look at the potential bigger picture here. Ebola and others have turned out to be cry wolf situations. I am even reading other comments of people who have been suckered into this thought... "Ohh it wasn't a big deal the last few times, it will be fine this time too"..

What if it's not fine? What if this one is a final push because we have become numb to the news of the spread of super disease that never actually goes anywhere or effects society?

I think this one is going to be serious, and I think that this will not only cull a targeted older population - but will be an attempt to remove physical cash from society.

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