Saturday, February 29, 2020

02-29 12:44 - 'A Reply to the Luka Magnotta the time traveller. (im a traveller from 2073)' (self.Bitcoin) by /u/Directx96 removed from /r/Bitcoin within 42-52min


call me DirectX

im aware of your message, we knew this would happen in the next 50 years. but in my timeline everything is change, the organisation that build bitcoin had a goal to demolish the infrastructure of the world economy and start a new world order by using bitcoin as a new way to crush the sistem making people think that its helping them. but the truth is, the government itself is taking part in this goal. once bitcoin reach its peak value, the so name satoshi nakamoto ( a group organisation funded by the rothschild family) they will emarge and use its amount of btc to crush the system making a new world financial crisis. i may not able to explain it here in greater detail but i get your point. im an underground team working on this time to slowly change the future. your prediction are 30% correct. we know what will truly happen and it will be in the 20 to 30 years duration. the future we live is quite bad. privacy is not an option anymore.

these are the event that happen in my years of timeline, it may change slightly different depends on what we are currently doing to change the history.

2022 new bitcoin industry and company will start emerging rapidly.

Libra coin as u all know will officially start being used in the year 2023 in our timeline. it may delay is this timeline.

2027 70% of the world economy will be integrated with blockchain.

2030 privacy coin will be high in demand. privacy will also be granted to everyone.

2053 is the year where privacy will no longer be an option, at this time drones will be everywhere and every technology will be linked to company's. all our information will be used to track our daily life.

the wolrd be goven by company not government. government will still be involved.

Ripple and Electroneum will be one of the world leading crypto currency that will be used globally. whereas it is centralize. alot of ngo will soon be funded by Electroneum, this makes the ngo to become a stable company that control certain organisation in my timeline. this will also makes Electroneum at the top of the foodchain.

to be honest in my timeline 80% of the world leaders are women. especially President.

an advise for the readers, yes you can bitcoin because we know that the future cannot be changed as the power is not in our hand. but please diverse you investment into gold, these gold we be valuable once the time of the technology and internet will be shut down. protect your grandchild and please have a longterm investment.


A Reply to the Luka Magnotta the time traveller. (im a traveller from 2073)

Go1dfish undelete link

unreddit undelete link

Author: /u/Directx96

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