Saturday, March 28, 2020

A Drug Dealer is After Me... Help!

Hello. I'm a long time lurker on Reddit and I'm genuinely scared for my life.

I have an autoimmune disease that gives me indescribable joint pain and I usually use marijuana to help ease the symptoms. I do not have a medical marijuana card in the state I live in, so I stupidly outsourced it on the Internet. Big mistake number one, I know.

I find this guy and we start making the deal. We're using an anonymous delivery service and I supposed I would just pay him and the rest would be taken care of. Wrong!

At about 7pm last night I got an email from that company telling me that in order to continue the delivering of the package I would have to pay a refundable 300 dollar "insurance fee" through Bitcoin. I was never told about this. I don't use Bitcoin, never planned on using it; it's confusing to me. That's not the point though.

I was told by the guy I was talking to that if I didn't pay the insurance fee within a certain amount of time that it would be high-risk and it may be seized by a "control team" getting us both in trouble. I was also told that this doesn't happen often, and only is happening because security must be tight.

I spent the next 6 hours trying to come up with the Bitcoin by using different platforms like Coinbase and Cashapp but for a myriad of unfortunate events it led up to the fact that I ultimately can't pay the insurance fee. I was warned by the guy I was talking to that if I were to contact the support team at the company there would be trouble, it would raise suspicion, and it wouldn't end well. Obviously this scared the everloving shit out of me. I would like to mention that this guy is based in a state across the country from me, though I don't doubt that he has connections throughout the country.

I started to have an anxiety attack that would ultimately last from about 11 pm to 4 am this morning. In a state of panic I decided to contact the support service for the company anyways, going against the wishes of the guy. I'm not sure if this was a mistake but I guess we'll find out. Anyways, I talk to support and they say that in order to void the delivery of the package, both parties (sender and receiver) would have to agree to the void. That can't happen because I was warned not to talk to support.

They end up contacting the sender and he starts sending me a barrage of texts saying, "Hey. I'm getting emails. What's going on?" and of course I start to panic more.

I end up calling my local police department's advice helpline and the man told me that he was honestly stumped. If I told a police officer the situation I would most likely be apprehended for partaking in this. I would be self incriminating. The man knows my address. I was told that I can't really do anything about it until a threat is carried out against me.

I don't expect the sender to come across the country and harm me, but I'm sure he has connections around the country. I don't even know if the package has been inspected or seized. I tried everything I could. I'm genuinely scared for my life and my family's.

I can't go to the police without incriminating myself and I'm absolutely terrified that I may get a visit from the Feds or a friend of the sender. I was told to watch out for suspicious behavior around my address but I'm scared and I don't want to wait until something happens to tell someone.

I'm young and I have the rest of my life to live. I'm scared for my own life, my family's, and my future. I just wanted the joint pain to stop. I don't know what to do. Please help me.

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