Friday, April 3, 2020


Hey guys,

considering the recent events and the fact that we might not even go back to our dreaded computer labs for the AP exams this year ; I might as well say it because we are all stuck in the same dilemma at the moment. We are not gonna get this opportunity again and when that 4 in macro comes in on your screen you are all going to regret not taking that extra step to ensure a 5. So I'm looking for people who want to do this right and use this to all our advantage. If we don't do something, Wong is still going to be in his mom's basement with his entire bitcoin club and slamming lines of cocaine to the Ap tests together while they all get 5's. I'm looking for fellow Ap takers in AP Stat, Lang, Comp Sci Princ, and Gov.(If your not in any of this we can still work something out) to form a socratic seminar the day of the test, if you know what I mean. No one is going to be excluded regardless of stats, and etc. I know we are all perfectly capable of obtaining a 5 from these 45 minute jokes(almost like a league game lmao), but through the lack of valuable class time and maybe trauma from this event which means many are going to be struggling. Preferably est time zone, others and westerners are welcome, I bet you'll gain the most out of this ;) I know what we are going to do is going to get some College Board worshipers fired up, they can go eat their 50 dollar Harvard, Ivy League Ap prep books. The college board established these tests knowing this would happen which we can assume are fine with small collaboration or even just peer guidance, because my fellow Ap scholars we are going to need everyone's help in combating these tough times and drought of class time + crucial information. Pm me or comment if you want to make this work. More information depending on the reactions to this... Also please comment the AP's you are taking for further clarification for me and my classmates(we are all loaded on different AP's) if you are interested, stay safe everyone!

Short: My goal is to fill a discord server with different chats and voice channels for each AP and everyone can speak and work freely together. Also I will be making note guides for Ap courses I am taking, except comp sci princ(that shit is a joke, only explore task) on word for download and maybe you can contribute as well

Edit: We have enough PM's and responses to make a server.

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