Monday, May 18, 2020

Carbonate Engine - Release - Safe - Full Cash, RP, Unlock Recovery

Edit: With Epic Games giving away a free copy of GTA V until May 21st, this is an excellent opportunity for new users to try out a new cheat!

Well here we are! Only days after the first post I made I'm here with the finished product of Carbonate! Now this will likely be a longer post, and I encourage you to read it! However, I understand time is precious so if you really want to just take a look at the website right away, well, that works too!


Carbonate Engine

A project that has been worked on for several months now, finally ready! The wait was surely worth it and I hope that all of you will enjoy every feature of the menu just as much as I do. Let's begin with some of the key notable features and go from there!

  • Full Recovery - This means, stealth, rp/levels, and unlocks(even bunker unlocks!). Most exciting part about it, it's safe and the methods we use are not super well known and not like many of the other menus currently offering stealth cash. So if several billion dollars sounds good to you, go for it! RP is exactly as it sounds, changing the level which allows you to unlock other aspects of online. Unlocks range from weapons, cars, bunker stuff, to the most ridiculous outfit apparel..
  • ScriptHookV Loader - A little less known by the masses is the possibility of loading external ASI mods onto the online environment! There are literally hundreds of different ASI menus that are able to be loaded at any time. So you could very easily load multiple ASI menus AT THE SAME TIME! Really the possibilities of that are endless!
  • Safety/Security - The most important one of them all -- in my opinion at least! The one aspect of it all that I value the most. Safety! It goes without saying that there is always a risk when modding any game with an anticheat, however we take additional steps to protect everyone who uses our tool. Through the use of a custom invoker for natives, and not-so-well known and even private techniques to mitigate the anticheat, you can rest-easy knowing that when you wake up, your GTA account will likely be ready to go for another day.
  • Fresh UI - Most of the menus that are in the market today, excluding a names! All look very similar with flashy designs which sacrifice speed and stability for looks. While I am not one to argue with the way you want to design your menu, I personally prefer a clean, non-cluttered mess. Carbonate is completely drawn using the ImGui framework(which is completely open-sourced here!) By utilizing this framework, it allows us to implement both keyboard and mouse(and likely controller very soon!) support for navigation throughout the menu. There is also the support for instant resizing and dragging for you to find your own perfect fit. Bottom line is, it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I strongly like the look and feel of ImGui and I am certain that many of you will too.
  • Protections - Carbonate contains protections to over 70+ different malicious script events and is constantly being updated with new ones as other menus are adding different ways to attack other users. While no protection system is completely perfect, we can assure you that we constantly are staying one foot ahead of the game in protecting our users in this giant cat and mouse game of protections.
  • Beyond GTA - While GTA is our most supported game, we also have another game cheat available for another game coming real soon. We hope to further expand the horizons of Carbonate to support a variety of other games over time essentially creating a network of cheats!
  • Price - Now that you've made it thus far, it's time to highlight the price! The idea was to make it as affordable as possible while also not ripping ourselves off. While some menus charge for different tiers/versions of the menu, I never really believed in doing that so a single price grants you access to the entirety of Carbonate and all of it's releases. As of today, the current pricing for Carbonate Engine is at 15,00 € which I hope by all means is affordable by all those that are interested in what we have to offer. Currently, the only method for purchasing is via Bitcoin for the safety of everyone involved. I understand this may not be the most convenient method and may cause people to turn heads, however, if you're really interested, we do accept many other payment methods as well and offer places to purchase Bitcoin with traditional methods such as PayPal safely and efficiently.
  • Footnote - I could go on and on about everything we have to offer, but I think that I would end up boring most of you with all these words! Anyways, one thing I wish to make clear and hope that everyone understands about us is, we're not in it to be the best, we're in it to be the best for the price. I have come to terms knowing that there are other popular menus with bigger development teams, and likely more talent than I, but one thing that I am really looking to strive to be is the best for the smallest price. Many of the biggest and greatest menus currently available are priced awfully high and are blatantly a display of overpriced work. I want to offer the best features of these as well as even focusing on being even safer than the current competition.

Check us out:


Thank you all! I hope to see a few of you in the server!

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