Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The 25 Controllers You Will Work With

1) The private pilot turned ATC who should’ve probably stayed a pilot. Has to explain in the moment why the crossing restriction you just gave is “tough”.

2) The bearded guy who spends too much time talking about breweries. Loves a baseball team a million miles away from your facility.

3) Old guy #1, ‘rule guy’. Has to point out every rule ever and when it’s not being followed.

4) NATCA BRO. No explanation needed.

5) Black chick #1 who axes like she’s a victim the moment she arrives at work. Never is assigned a challenging position.

6) Black chick #2, who everyone likes because they crush it at pot-lucks and is just an overall good person and controller

7) The ‘FAA is really not that bad’ guy who bids a supe job 1-2 years after making CPC.

8) The guy who blames every problem in the world on how bad TMU/TMC is. Goes down the drain fairly often.

9) The guy who is totally chill and normal but just hates that one facility / sector, who then yells out how bad they are that day.

10) The super religious guy who tries to blend in ::church activity whatever:: into a conversation that had nothing to do with religion.

11) The 57 minute break guy, who thinks they’re doing it to ‘screw the FAA’.

12) Old guy #2, who trains all.of.the.time, who ends up with the person who should’ve washed out but got certified thanks to good ole’ old guy #2

13) Old guy #3, who knows the exact date and time they hit eligibility, and has to promote this fact at least 3x a week.

14) Shift swap / leave guy - “hey man, would it be cool if” is how every text you’ll ever receive from them starts

15) Transfer guy. Came from somewhere, knows a little bit too much about NCEPT, will be gone in a year

16) Finance / side hustle guy. Can give you the oral history of each TSP fund for the last 10 years. Not only trades Bitcoin, but that new thing no one knows about.

17) My Last Facility Guy. Needs you to know every fucking thing about the last place they worked, and ‘wonders’ why ‘we’ can’t do it that way

18) White chick #1, with a 24/7 flirtatious attitude yet marries someone who has nothing to do with ATC

19) White chick #2, dates controllers from your facility, and other facilities, and maybe even that one retired guy

20) Quiet guy. You know nothing about him, no one does. But he’s been there for 10 years on the same strange RDOs. Seems nice.

21) Golf guy. Titleist hat, goes to driving range when it’s too fucking cold out, bids all their leave around golf outings to Phoenix or some old person retirement city with a golf trail.

22) Workout bro. Nah he doesn’t just do CrossFit, he mixes in cardio and ju jit su because there’s gotta be balance. Blows up the bathroom every shift.

23) Spanish guy. Yeah so what English is his third language and when he gives a re-route it’s painful for everyone involved. Dios mio.

24) The Certified Professional Traffic Dodger. Somehow knows when to short break or long break, knows who is up, knows where the weather might be. Gets super friendly with front lines who assign him ELMs during a weather event.

25) The savant. The guy who doesn’t get rattled, who you can count on to not fuck up. Gets off position after a nightmare session and starts playing their nintendo switch like nothing happened. You wonder if their pulse ever crossed 75.

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