Monday, June 8, 2020

How I've succeeded in NEETdom. What I've learned may (or may not) help you. (Long, sorry!)

I've spent years lurking on Reddit. Here, TRP, Blackpill, and the old Incel reddits. I've learned a lot,and I've used that knowledge and some other methods to stay NEET for 12 years. At the rate I'm going, I should be able to die of natural causes during old age without ever having a job, while enjoying the 21st century capitalist lifestyle I've been conditioned to want, while also being married and having children. I can't promise you the same results, but I will tell you what I did and why I did them. Maybe it can help you out. I hope it does, because I remember how close I came to the edge of despair and hope that my journey can inspire someone the way I was inspired before. This is really long, but Bottom Line Up Front: I went from searching trash cans for receipts to conning my way to upper middle class, gaslit the hell out of a girl, got married and used what I gained through that journey to have a successful passive income. Here's how I did it:

First off, my inherent biases. These are things I can't change (or refused to change), and had to work around or use to my benefit:

  1. I'm a LSMV male. Hot or Not averaged me at 3/10. I have a VERY weak chin with an overbite, no earnings, and I'm weak. I'm also too lazy to work out. I had to work around this.
  2. I'm white. This helped.
  3. My only disability is being an undiagnosed sociopath (or perhaps narcissistic personality disorder). For those who have severe anxiety, autism, or other mental illnesses that hold you back, you might not be able to replicate this as easily. This helped me. I had to be (and continue to be, to some degree) completely amoral and mercenary to get where I am.
  4. I take no moral or ethical position that keeps me from getting what I want. None. I see a lot of anti-work, anti-natalism, anti-capitalist sentiment here. I respect that, and if that means a great deal to you, this path won't work. I threw all of that away to get where I am. Even if I believe something is factually correct (for example, SMV theory or blackpill nihilism), I'll ignore the "truth" and seek out a solution to get what I want. If you can do this, your chances improve dramatically.
  5. I'm socially awkward, but a fast learner. I rarely make the same mistake twice. This helped me recover from faux pas and avoid bad decisions once I learned them once. It also helped me work around all my lies.
  6. I lived straight edge and budgeted like a madman. My "drug" was a drive to move up. No pot, no cigarettes, no microtransactions for vidya, nothing. I didn't have a steady income and I needed to make what I had count.

Okay,with that out of the way, here's what I did to get started:

  1. Graduated in 200x into the recession. Barely passed because I'm lazy. Lived with my folks who covered basic needs, but I didn't have an allowance, so I had to earn income. Here's what I did:
  • I offered to do grocery runs for my parents. I would buy $20, maybe sometimes $40 worth of "extra" items during that time (always small purchases so as not to arouse suspicion on the large receipt), then dug the receipt out of the trash can later and returned the items. If you pay with a debit card,you can get cash back. I did this every 2 weeks for the grocery run. If you get an allowance or have some other income stream, you can bypass this step. Quietly open a bank account separate from your parents and deposit the cash there. For at least a year,this was my only income.
  • I told my parents I was going to interviews, out with friends, or to volunteer work. In reality, I sold my plasma twice a week. Not being on drugs allowed me to take advantage of this income stream while it lasted. The payout varied, but between what I got for donating and what I got from returning things to walmart, I managed to get about $100 a week. Don't rely on this--my center closed down after only a few months of doing this.
  • Once I saved up a couple hundred dollars, I began purchasing "refunding" services from places like MPGH or Nulled (look it up if you don't know what it is). I would purchase something for like $200 on my debit card from the bank account I opened, get it refunded, and then resell the item on Craigslist, Offerup, or FB Marketplace. I used vacant houses or apartment units as drops. I bought prepaid visas to use different addresses, but these days I think you can just use Either way, I amassed about 10k over the course of a year doing this. Once you get your seed money from $200 items, you move on to more expensive things like macbooks that have better margins. Keep doing blood donations and grocery returns (or whatever your way of bringing in income is) during this time.

Next step: with enough money to get started, time to start hunting for women.

  1. By the time I had all of this figured out, I had been NEET for about 4 years ( I spent a lot of time lying down and rotting or getting absorbed in vidya). My family was concerned I was a failure and, I suspect,thinking about kicking me out. I had to stave this off for as long as I could. I also realized at this point that I wasn't going to be able to leech off them forever. Time to make a move. I started mentioning that I was starting my own business in a field that they wouldn't understand very well. Bitcoin is amazing for this, since most people don't fully grasp it yet. I started telling my parents that I was doing bitcoin trading and was getting pretty good at it. Using some of the money that I got from selling refunded items, I could buy them the occasional dinner or "pitch in for expenses" to keep the heat off. I could "have a good quarter" and buy them a game console or golf clubs for Christmas or Birthdays (in reality, I would get these items sent to a drop address and then get them refunded.) I told them that I needed to save as much money as I could so I could get bigger returns on my investment, and thanked them for letting me live with them so I wouldn't throw away my earnings on rent, food, etc. This worked wonders--they were very proud of me and happily let me live with them. If they hadn't, this method would still work, but 1-2 of your big refunds per month would go to rent and other expenses. YMMV here.
  2. I started attending volunteer events and the local Chamber of Commerce's business meetings, using my fake Bitcoin experience to have conversations with the people there. I bought a tailored suit and developed a style that made sure I was noticed (and get people talking about it instead of my ugliness or digging too deep into my fake business). In my case it was goofy pocket squares. Instead of a handkerchief I'd use a tiny stuffed pikachu or hello kitty or something. I didn't have a car at this time, so I used Uber and had them drop me off a block away. Uber rides can be refunded, or referral credits purchased at discount prices online. Most successful businessmen are friendly and approachable when you're in their home turf and you don't want something from them. I used this opportunity to make friends and connections that I might use later in life. It also allowed me to build a reputation as being successful. I learned a lot from these people and became a regular at events. I brushed up on my "colleagues"' businesses so we'd have stuff to talk about, and made sure I read up on my own "business" so I could answer questions they had. As I practiced, I became more confident and started looking the part. As my confidence grew, I began to look for my future wife.
  3. This part here is the longest, hardest part. I had to find a woman with no children, no prior marriages, a good enough career for me to live off of in the future, AND one who I could essentially gaslight for the rest of our lives. This took me almost 3 years. If you're in a large city it might not take this long, but here in podunk Iowa, it took ages because of the lack of people. Women came on to me once I got myself established. I'll be honest--everything you read on SMV/hypergamy/etc might be true in general, but no two humans are exactly the same and the law of large numbers means you'll likely have opportunities (even in a smaller population area like mine) to find women who are the exception. So I practiced my game by reading TRP, pickup guides I got online, etc. Thing is, I never slept with a woman until I was sure she met my requirements. I didn't want to get a reputation as a man-whore, and if women were going to talk about me, I wanted it to be about me being unattainable. This meant years of celibacy, and I hated it. After a long time, I finally found her at a charity auction for helping the homeless.

Next step: Now that I've found the right woman, I had to date her, get her to fall in love with me,and marry her.

  1. The ideal woman for me was about 60 pounds overweight, somewhat heavily (but not overwhelmingly) in debt, frumpy only because of her clothes and weight, and with a medical-based career. Why? Chad doesn't want her. Sure he might have sex with her, but he's not going to marry her. While its true that male personality plays no role in initial attraction from women, love and investment are strong forces. If I can get her to fall in love with me, I can continue my easy lifestyle.
  2. Using what I learned from TRP and Pickup Artistry, I managed to get her to go out with me after we finished working on some volunteer projects together. Note that before we became a couple, she pursued and slept with two Chads. I was not her first choice of partner. That is OK. If she were a 9 or 10, I'd probably lose her, but by purposefully going after someone with average attractiveness, I reduced the likeliness that I wouldn't get my turn.
  3. I turned on the charm and took her on long walks, to community theater productions, and to the volunteer events and business social gatherings as my date. Romantic dates, but also cheap without being immediately obvious. I'm still selling plasma and returning/refunding during this time, but spending no more than I have to. Within 3 weeks we're exclusive, within 2 months she's in love. I never broke character. Ever. Now to get her invested.
  4. Why go for a medical professional instead of a lawyer or accountant? Medical school, especially for a MD or PhamD, requires a lot of debt. This debt is often accrued young, before the student really learns about budgeting or finance. That helps me gain sole financial responsibility of the relationship later. It also attracts people with a head for science and natural caregivers. I need someone with a brain that doesn't automatically detect my bullshit, or someone who will be able to sue me into oblivion if the whole thing fails.
  5. I mention to her that I want to lose weight and get into somewhat better shape. I jokingly said that I wanted to look good in a wedding picture if we get to that point. That let her know I was serious about her, and encouraged her to lose weight with me. Remember earlier that I said I hated working out, so I just dieted instead, and went on walks or runs with her. The running sucked, but it was all in pursuit of that easy life. Time passes and she loses the weight and buys some new clothes. As I had predicted,she looks damned hot now. I'd say a 7 or 7.5/10. Again, not Chad bait, but definitely attractive. And since she's in love with me, she isn't pursuing them.
  6. I'm invited to live with her a few months in. Two paths are available now: Live with her, or gamble and move her in with me. I had her move in with me and my parents. You can succeed with moving in with her, but I chose this route for expediency's sake. Moving in with her slows you down due to rent payments, but is more safe since there are fewer variables. At this point, my parents are amazed by how "well" I'm doing. I'm dating a doctor, apparently have a booming business, I'm part of the community, and have friends. They're happy to let her move in when I explain (privately) that the purpose is to reduce her debt before a future marriage. I have a long talk about debt with the girlfriend and explain how good with money I am since it's part of my business. I suggest we share a bank account and commit to paying off her debt ASAP. We start up a new account in a different bank from the one I set up previously and she gets direct deposit into it. I still use my personal account for refunding, and use Cashapp to transfer BTC to myself on and then Coinbase it into the joint bank account,showing evidence of my "business". I've definitely passed the trust test at this point and I've "made her a better person" with the weight loss. It doesn't take long at all before she doesn't even look at the bank statements anymore. I change the password (if I'm called on it, say its for security because of a hack attempt). At this point, she lives with me and my family, I have complete financial control,and she's both invested and in love. Approximately 6 months have passed.
  7. I spend lots of time with her and slowly isolate her from friends and family that might pose a problem. Have her come to see my parents as her family. I *do* occasionally get called out on it, but I mention a relationship in my past where I was cheated on, and remind her that she had those one-night stands when she knew there was a connection between us. Time passes and she becomes more dependent on me. Meanwhile, I'm budgeting expenses and putting all of the money that she doesn't use right into her debt. Because I control the finances, she doesn't realize that all I'm doing is just rerouting her money more efficiently than she was. I still treat her by refunding clothes from designer brands and buying Gift cards at discount rates for restaurants. Eight months in, I ask her to marry me, proposing using a diamond ring that I refunded from Amazon. She says yes, and her mind goes into marriage mode.
  8. Time to get some security for my NEETdom. I suggest that, with her lower debt-to-income ratio because of our efforts, we get a house so that we can move into it right after we get married. I mention that this is a good idea because since I make money using Bitcoin, I don't have W2s and since I don't use credit cards, the banks won't loan to me. I lead the conversation into her getting the loan in her name since she can pass the credit check and then putting the title in both of our names (VERY important! Helps ward off divorce). Since I'm so good with all of this financial stuff, she agrees and some short house hunting later, we've got a 300k home. (This is one of the few moves I regret. If I could do it again, I'd take a 150-200k home and use the extra money for investments later. She loved the house though, so it was probably worth it to make her happy). I mention how afraid I am of infidelity and "divorce rape", as well as protecting both of our assets in case things go south. I draft up a prenuptial agreement making sure our finances prior to marriage are separate (this makes her feel secure and continues the facade that I have means), and states that in the event of infidelity (without the other partner's permission), the cheating partner gives the cuckolded spouse full ownership of the home, and spousal support. Note that this means that I must never cheat on her. It was easy to get her to sign at this point since she's got marriage on the brain. The fear of losing the house and paying me for the rest of her life wards off the chance of her straying, but provides me with the means to continue my NEET lifestyle on her dime if she does cheat.
  9. I rerouted some debt/mortgage money to the wedding expenses, and cut corners where I could. At this point it was safe to let her back into frequent contact with her family and friends--they couldn't stop this now; nor did they want to,since by this point their daughter wasn't overweight or in debt, was happy, and engaged. Remember all those business friends I made from the previous step? Lots of money and gifts to the wedding registry,and one hell of a wedding guest list. It went off without a hitch, and we honeymooned in Paris. At this point we've been together for almost two years from our first date. We've lived together for a year and half. Her life revolves around me now.
  10. (Optional, but helpful) Fights will break out and arguments happen. I read a lot of Les Parrott and other people in the marriage field. We read books every week about improving ourselves. I give her Laura Doyle, Helen Andelin, and other anti-feminist books to encourage her to take on a more TradWife role (In short, these books encourage submission to the husband and letting him lead). My goal is to be an outstanding husband on every level that isn't necessary to keep up the facade. Please note that I've legitimately fallen in love with her by this point. Even though I want to, I can't break character. So the goal becomes to actually become a good man for her, while still keeping true to my goal of remaining a NEET. So let's do that in the next section.

Next Step: Cleaning up my act

  1. I've determined to become a better man for my wife,but not enough to actually wageslave. I decide that passive income isn't really work, and decide to pursue that. After rerouting some of her money and some more refunding, as well as quietly selling some of the unwanted wedding gifts, I purchase a small (25k at auction) 2nd home a few months into the marriage and start renting t out. I pay cash for this and put 5k into repairs with local under-the-table handymen to get it ready to go. Remember earlier how I said I wish I had bought a smaller home for me and the wife? This is why. It took me longer to get this endeavor started because the mortgage and living expenses were a large chunk of our income. I continued to do this, telling my wife that I was starting a property empire so that she could choose to stay home with kids when we had them. That made her excited and we bought up a few more over the course of a year and a half.
  2. Once rent money was reliably coming in, I removed the anchor from my heart. I waited until Bitcoin collapsed, then told her that I had lost my nest egg. I had "lost" everything and was at my lowest point. I did a very convincing act of depression, anger and fear that she'd lose interest in me without my income. Of course, she supported me came up with the great idea that I should make the real estate business my new career. She generously offered to keep working until we had enough property to make up for both of our incomes. Just like that, I'd transitioned into a respectable line of "work". But we all know I'm not going to work. So the plan of action became buying more properties and paying a property management company to keep them maintained and occupied. There are tons of youtube videos about getting started and doing this. This was successful, and I now make a good living while doing little more than calling or texting the property management company a couple times a week. I've also left the refunding behind because I no longer need it, but it's always an option if I do.
  3. The plan now is to keep buying up properties and renting them so that my wife can stay home and we can both be NEETs. I honestly don't know if I'll succeed in that, but at best I do, and at worst I get half the income from these properties in the event of a divorce, which I can live off of.

Conclusion: It's taken over 10 years, but I've managed to become successful while remaining NEET. I had to do some really scummy things to get there, and I know for NEETs with morals that will be disqualifying. She's pregnant now, and our child will be born to parents with a stable income, and I can spend as much time with my family as I wish. My parents are proud of me now (this means more to me than you might think), and I get to spend most of my day sleeping, playing vidya, or pursuing whatever passion takes me. I'm a respected member of the community, which helps me get connections to new buildings or investment opportunities. I do feel guilt over how I got here. That's why I'm writing this, if I'm being honest. However, I can put that part of my life behind me and emerge as a landlord, where wagies work for me.

  • And it's likely not too late for you to get started! I know it seems hopeless sometimes, but I didn't get into the business socials and volunteering until I was 30. I was a 20-something year old obese basement dweller that stole money from his parents during grocery runs. There's hope if you're intentional about getting out.

Follow my path if you want, reject it if you don't, or choose not to believe me. Reddit, 4chan, the the old school wordpress blog communities have all been really helpful to me over the years. I've learned a lot from this community and others like it. I wanted to share my success story, encourage you not to give up if you want to avoid giving in to despair or wageslaving by showing you a way out, and, yes, break character anonymously for the first time in over a decade.

You all believed in me and helped me so much. Thank you.

TLDR: Read the "Bottom Line Up Front" at the top.

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